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Achieve sketch/halftone effect


New Member
First of all I'm a n00b on this forum. I hope I don't break any rules.

So I'm in a bit of trouble. One of my clients is asking me to achieve a similar effect to the one below on several images, sent by him.

As far as I can figure out, these have been drawn from scratch. They're not retouched photos.
I've tried using a sketch/crosshatch effect, but the client isn't happy. I've tried the halftone filter, but with poor results. I think it would take me ages to fin the right combination to achieve something similar.
I don't need the exact same effect, but something similar would be great.
So have you guys ever run across something close to this?

Hey cippy, just letting you know that we're not ignoring you. Give me a bit to see what I can come up with.
There are lots and lots of way to get very similar efx. You've got to try them for yourself and see which you prefer. To start, take a look at:

- - - and let my animated GIF of various methods in the 2nd post in that thread cycle through a couple of times. Also, there are lots of adjustable parameters in all these efx so that each can be fine tuned from what I show in that post.

Also, there is an effect I call, the "color_dodge-invert_blur" approach that is the favorite of many folks. Here's the 1st thread about it that I could find, but it is described by many different authors:


Tom M
Thank you guys so so so much! I'm going to give all these methods a try. I'll let you know which one looks best and show some results.

First, let me thank all of you for such a fast response to my issue and for giving me more than one option.
Second, below is the result I achieved, using IamSam's link, plus some tweaks.
So if anyone is interested, the way to achieve it is mainly this:
-I started from an image about 800x600px
-duplicate the main layer and apply some contrast if you have a lot of midtones
-apply a high pass filter (about 1.5px radius)
-on this same layer, go to image->adjustments->threshold (here you should go back to where the sky has only a few dark pixels)
-set this layer to overlay, about 70%
-convert it to smart object and apply a gaussian blur of about 0.5px (you can tweak this, now that it's a smart object)
-so this will be the top layer

-on the second layer (the one below, which should be the original image), go and desaturate the image
-apply some contrast to the image (don't over-do-it)
-next add some noise (about 12%, gaussian, monochromatic)
-now turn it to a smart object and apply gaussian blur (about 0.3%; again, you can tweak this)

You should now have the same effect, or something similar. The last touches would be cleaning up the sky, plus some other minor touch-ups.
I hope this helps you at least as much as it helped me.

Thank you guys, once again!
Wonderful community you have here!
I remember I ever come across a soft ware that converts a photo into line drawing seamlessly and very clean. I forgot the soft ware now. Any body have the knowledge of it?
Did you follow the links provided above, particularly, THIS ONE. In it, I name the software that I used to create the various simulations of a B&W sketch.

Tom M
