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A particular RED EYE removal (Was it yours)?


There was a techinque on these forums that was pretty old but it worked great.

It involved the feather tool and the channels.

Anybody remember?

If anyone else has any good tutorials im interested.. I have tried alot of of them and the ones using the sponge doesnt work well.

I need something that will help get the color back and will help retain the flash of white in the eye.


Red Eye

The simplest red eye removal is:

Open photo and zoom into eyes.
Choose a soft brush the size of the red spot
Choose Black as your Foreground
Change the bush Mode from Normal to COLOR
Use the brush tool and paint directly over the eye. The highlights will not be affected......
Hi, this is from a Tutorial I have.

Step 1
Open your image that contains the red eye.

Step 2
Zoom in on one of the eyes using the Zoom Tool. You will have to zoom in quite a bit (perhaps upto 1200 %, to get the eye big enough to make the adjustment.

Step 3
Press the " W " key to switch to the Magic Wand Tool and click it in one part of the red area. In most cases just one click will select all the red in the eye. If it doesn't select enough of the red area hold the " Shift Key " and click the Magic Wand again in another area of red. If it selets too much, go upto the Options Bar and lower the Threshold number and try again. You may have to lower it to less than 10 to get just the red areas selected. Once one eye is done scroll over to the other eye, HOLD the Shift key and select it the same way so that both eyes are selected.

Step 4
Once you have the red areas selected, (you dont have to have every single pixel, just get pretty close) press " Shift Control U " To remove all the colour from the red areas of the eyes. This will leave the eyes looking grey.

Step 5
Press the " d " to set your foreground colour to black. Press " j " key to switch to the " Airbrush Tool ". Go upto the Options Bar and set the Opacity to 20%. go to the brushes pallet and choose a medium to large sized Soft Edged Brush.

Step 6
Zoom out by pressing " Control - " until you can see both eyes on the screen. Paint just a couple of strokes over the selected areas of the eyes. This wont turn the eyes completely black, but it will make them a very dark grey. DONT Over Do It, just a couple of strokes will do.

Step 7
Deselect the eyes by pressing " Control D ". Press the " L Key " to switch to the Lasso Tool. Now drag a loose selection around the entire Cornea of the eye. It does not have to be precise selection, just a loose selection is fine, as long as the whole area is enclosed within the selection.

Step 8
Now press " Control J " This will put the eye selection onto its own layer.

Step 9
Go under Image Menu, under Adjust and choose Hue/Saturation, in the dialog box, click on the Colourize Checkbox (bottom right hand corner). Now you can choose the colour you would like for the eye by moving the Hue Slider. The area you removed earlier will remain the dark grey colour and only the Conea will be affected by your colourization. Choose a shade thats actually lighter than you think it should be and perhaps lower the amount of Saturation using the slider or the eyes will look artificially enhanced.

Step 10
Press the " E Key " to switch to the Eraser Tool and then erase the extra areas around the cornea from your loose selection. Just erase everything but the coloured cornea. Dont forget to erase over the Whites of the Eyes. remember the eyes are on thier own layer so you wont hurt anything else.

Step 11
If you have added too much colour to the eyes, you can control the intesity. Just go to the Layers Pallete and lower the Opacity of your eye layer. Just keep lowering it until you find a more realistic looking colour.

Step 12
To finish up, press " Control E " to merge the eye layer with the background layer.

Next you will want to Enhance the Eyes.

Step 1
Press the " L Key " to switch to the Lasso Tool and make a selection around one of the white areas of one of the eyes, you might want to zoom in a bit to make an accurate selection.
Hold the " Shift Key " and draw selections around all of the other white areas of both eyes and add them to your selection. Once you have all of the white areas of the eyes selected, go under the Select Menu and choose Feather, when the dialog box appears, enter a Feather Radius of 1 Pixel and click ok (for high res of around 300 ppi try 3 Pixels)

Step 2
We need to keep the feathered selection active but we will hide the selection area press " Control H " to hide it. Go under the Image Menu, under Adjust and choose Hue/Saturation. The first thing we need to do is to remove some of the red that appears in the white areas ( a little bit of red or a tiny bit of bloodshot is fairly common). When the dialog box appears, from the Edit Pop Up Menu at the top, choose reds. To reduce the reds in the eye, reduce the amount of saturation by sliding the Saturation Slider to the left until the red is gone. DONT clik Ok just yet.

Step 3
From the Edit Pop Up Menu in the Hue/Saturation dialog box, return the menu to Master. Now you are going to increase the brightness of the whites of the eyes by moving the lightness slider to the right. Make sure the Preview checkbox is turned on and look at you image as you drag. Dont OVER DO IT or it will look unnatural. you only need to slide it enough to have nice bright clear eyes.

Step 4
when you click ok the eyes should look much better, any redness should be gone and the whites of the eyes should be a brighter white. Now remember the eyes are still selected. Press " Control H " to view the selected areas again and then press " Control D " to deselect.

Step 5
Next we will bring some sparkle and sharpness to the eyes by sharpening them. Go under the Filter Menu, under Sharpen and choose Unsharp Mask, when the dialog box appears, enter Amount 65, Radius 4, Threshold 3 and then click ok. Press " Contol F " to run the filter again using the same settings. Although the eyes will really ' Pop' now, the rest of the face will be drastically over sharpened, maybe to the point that it looks damaged.

Step 6
Go under the Window Menu and choose, Show History. In the History Pallette, the last state in the list should be the Unsharp Mask. Directly before Unsharp Mask should be Deselect. Click on the Deselect State. This returns your image to how it looked immediately before you applied the Unsharp Mask. Now, click your cursor in the first column next to the greyed out Unsharp Mask State ( dont jump to that state, just click in the first column to the left of it). A history Brush Icon will appear there.

Step 7
Press the letter " Y " to switch to the History Brush, choose a soft edged brush that is approximately the size of the Conea of the eye and paint (Dab) directly over that area of the eye. As you paint the Sharpened eye will paint in. the eye should now have a crisp sharpness while the rest of the face remains untouched.

Thats all there is to it, hopefully this has helped.

Red eye removal

Personally, I favor using the lasso tool and just lasso around the eye and make a new layer for it by going to layers>adjustment layer>hue/saturation that way i can change the colors of the eye and get rid of the red eye effect, or add it if i am so inclined to do so
I consider the following technique the best one, since it's doing a great job on keeping the catchlights and textures intact.
  • zoom in on the eye
    go to channels
    select pupil with elliptical marquee tool (hold shift)
    select, feather (setting 1)
    select the best pupil (darkest, green or blue channel)
    paste into (shift+ctrl+v) the two other channels[/list:u]My personal opinion after doing some tests in the past is that this technique works much better than the saturation technique.
