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A humble corner open for criticism

Cleynhens Kenney

Active Member
Hello PSG,

After my long introduction I think it's time for me showing some humble creations that I have made so you guys have an eye if there is hope or none 4 me.

KenneyD's Signature (this is my latest)


Circus Signature

Hoodie's Signature

Raitoyami's Signature

Boba3s Signature

Dehaks Signature

Lacery's Signature

Quenoz Signature

Buhadogs Signature

Sonae's Signature

Tryouts :


Buhadog's avatar

I know this is theme based but I intend to try allot of different styles to have another approach on each "work".

Two main concerns are borders & text where I desperately try to do my best but never seem to be able to make it stick to the pictures..

Beside this stuff I also made a few websites together with my buddy (that does the coding part) for a few friend related companies but those I cannot share yet because they are rules stated on the forum.

Anyway I like you guys to share your thoughts and opinions and don't feel restricted in any way to spare my feelings :D. I'm a big boy and can take the criticism because I know you guys are experts at what you do and therefore I post this all at once so I don't have to bother you with endless topics if there is no hope for my stuff in this community :D

Very nice. How long does an average signature take to make?

It depends on the mood I'm in. Sometimes I can work on a signature for 2 hours and remove everything to start off from scratch again :P.

Most of the time Text's and borders are my main issues that I can't really make them stick to the picture or at least blending into one.

And Thanks for the compliments, I didn't expect that at all. But still if you have remarks feel free to post them!

Today I have been working on two small projects. One for my gf and one for a guy in my clan that wanted a gw2 avatar consisting he's own character.

I came up with following results:


I think you do nice work and there is hope for you, lol.

What do you mean you can't get the text or borders to "stick?"

Well to be honest I always get the feeling that I struggle with them that they don't fit into my pictures. I can never pick a good border or text font/colour at the end. which is crucial and messes up allot off my stuff.

And I watched allot of tutorials but never seem to get it stick into my head or getting the point about borders & text :P

I like some of these sigs/tags so good job there.

However, I most of these are flat in appearance and have little or no flow what so ever. I made many sigs in my time as I came from a gaming community where sigs are the every day norm. I feel that the renders are very low quality and your backgrounds need work.

Don't think I'm being rude here, I'm just offering you some pointers that need work.

Here's a smudge sig tutorial I made. Take a look.


I like some of these sigs/tags so good job there.

However, I most of these are flat in appearance and have little or no flow what so ever. I made many sigs in my time as I came from a gaming community where sigs are the every day norm. I feel that the renders are very low quality and your backgrounds need work.

Don't think I'm being rude here, I'm just offering you some pointers that need work.

Here's a smudge sig tutorial I made. Take a look.


Hello Inkz,

Thanks for taking some time to have a look here and for your comments which aren't rude at all :D I will surely take a look into those pointers and give a go at your tutorial to see if it can give me more in-depth sights.

Here a sig a good friend of mine made...

Look at the flow and depth this piece has.

Oh yeah, That is advanced stuff right there. The kind off art-pieces I envy :P

I gave it a go already but don't have that much time today. Will try having another go in the weekends to see what I can come up with your tutorial

Nice..long time ago when I first learned PS..I did some forum sig but come up something weird..haha..
just an advice, use an appropriate aspect ratio for the images.
OK, thanks for the explanation. I see your point. Well it isn't tutorials IMO. Of course, some people think my ideas are old school, but I learned by looking at good design and classic fine artworks, as well as modern art. These artists become famous because they know how to work with color, composition, especially balance and integration, and becaue their work is rich in inspiration. That goes for today's advertising, people's signature, etc.

What am I saying/suggesting here? Well, for some people this comes naturally, but I bet even they had a history either of design schooling or looking and absorbing fine art as well as other genres. People learn differently and absorb at different rates. I'm not saying you don't have natural talent. Even that needs to be honed.

There are probably design tuts online (sorry. I'll try to find some alter), but I think a small investment in lynda.com might be a good thing for you. A month of dedicated learning would cost you $25, and you can absolutely count on accurate and knowledgeable tutorials, not the iffy quality of Utube. A good investment. So design tutorials and look at good work.

In the meantime, that doesn't mean we can't give you some pointers!

Oh! and right; don't try to emulate inkz work or you'll go nuts. As you said, a bit advanced. BUT, it's the look example I refer to.
