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a (hopefully) simple request


good evening everyone!

i unfortunately do not have photoshop currently, and when i did i was absolutely horrible at using it, so i am wondering if i may ask a 'free image edit' of someone who may have a bit of spare time.

this is a picture of my best friend, captured during some of his in ring antics. what i would like to ask is if it is possible to crop him out and create a transparent background image. just looking to have a bit of fun with him, nothing that would offend or anger him, only make him laugh :)

greatly thanking in advance for anyone who may help!


  • bryan.jpg
    81.8 KB · Views: 36
Here are some free alternatives to Ps:

Also, pretty sure somewhere in the rules it states we can't edit images of 'Others' because of the potential of embarrassment etc to the subject you are requesting to be Photo shopped.

Check out the free alternatives and find something that will do the job such as Gimp and then check out the how to section for some pointers. I am sure someone who knows the rules a little more thorough will be along soon to confirm or not if I was correct although I am pretty sure I am lol.

Clareby/Steve etc??
Hi R-M, this request is right on the borderline. You're right, we have a policy that we won't do edits that could potentially be embarrassing to someone. Given the "antics" of this man in the ring, it would be seemingly hard to offend or embarrass him. That's why I think this one is open to interpretation, but others may not feel that way. Let's see if anyone else weighs in. Please hold off on the edit in the meantime if you please, at least for the next 12 hours which should give other staff and other members a chance to drop by and give an opinion.
and ... danturismo ...

We are generally happier to help people who just have a request and don't lead us to think they have Photoshop. ("i unfortunately do not have photoshop currently, and when i did i was absolutely horrible at using it")

This is an expensive program which takes considerable skill to use and we don't expect everyone to be able to master it. That's why some of our members do freebie requests despite the fact that we are a PS discussion and support group, not a free editing site.

But you have been very polite and friendly about it and I appreciate that.
first off, thank you everyone for your replies :) not only that but it's very refreshing to see there is still a place on the internet where a mature conversation can still take place!

if i may address a couple of points brought up...

r-m: i did read that thread before i posted, and as mentioned elsewhere in the thread i knew this could be a judgement call. i did also want to be upfront and not pretend this is a picture of myself.

john: you're right. if anything he may make a couple requests :)

ibclare: i definitely appreciate a mod taking time to weigh in and value your (and other staff members) input.

what i want the end result to be is just using the image and my primitive knowledge of corel draw to put him in some humorous situations; flying in the sky, running from a t-rex, diving into the sun, juvenile things that will make anyone laugh :) and i would happily share my magic creations, nothing that stands up to professional ps of course, but some of you guys and gals might get a giggle at it.
