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New Member
Hi there. I am a former video editor/motionographer turned helicopter pilot. I am at a cool new job where I get to combine my past production skills with my passion for aviation and do fun stuff with them both. I have been looking around for a forum that I felt I would fit into. I have been reading post on this site for a while now and have decided to become more involved. I will admit that for right now I am a low input user. I will, as time passes and skills develop, get more involved. Just like learning to fly a helicopter, you watch, listen, and learn until you are able to teach the next person behind you. I will try to do that here as well. I have a question that some on here might be able to help me with. I am using Photoshop CS5 and when I use my eraser the actual amount that is erased is smaller then the guide lines are showing me should be erased. I have reset all my brushes and have looked around for an answer, but no go. Here is a pic of what is happening. The green is the top layer and the red the layer beneath. The circle line is the guide of the eraser. As you see it is not erasing to the edges of the guide. Thanks for your help.
welcome to the forum :)

I had look for you about the brush, but no luck, i'm using an older version of PS :( Maybe if somebody else knows what going on.
Must be something with the settings or the preference setting.....
