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A Free Glass Sphere...


RichardC was looking for this from the old board, so i'm reposting it here for him and anyone else that wants to use it to learn from.

Here's the link to download the source PSD file containing this image and it's effects. Scan it, dissect it, learn from it, and go on to do your own thing from it. ;)

glass sphere.zip

Have fun! :D
Alistair said:
even though I can already make this myself
In Photoshop? Can you share one with us; I love to see different approaches to make glass balls Alistair :)
Aaa crap!

Sorry guys! I forgot to add the dash between the names in the zip file. Doh! [doh]

It's fixed now... have at 'er! :righton:
Thanks Mark. I've never disected anyone's ps file before, but it's proving to be more interesting than following directions in a tut. One's forced to figure out how each layer was created, the reasoning behind each layer and its blending mode. It's easy, when following a tutorial, to run through steps for the sake of completing the project, rather than digesting the purpose of each step.
LOL Mark!!

Hey everyone makes mistakes [shhh] thanks for the zip as I am on a glass sphere kick right now!!
Ya pdog, i completely agree with you there. It's a lot more fun dissecting than reading. :righton: :D
You're welcome guys... any time. [honesty]
B7 Cool Mark! :righton: THANKS! :)

[upset] Now why didn't you share this with me "eons" ago?! [confused] :P
he he he I tried an underscore but not dash oh man why didn't I try that one sfm now borrows Gaus's office wall to bang head against - again :bustagut: :bustagut: :bustagut: got it now thanks
yeah well there is a huge dent in it now...... nearly broken through to the other side so yeah you had better get one ha ha ha
