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4thekeeper 2.


Well-Known Member
Here the second Image with that I had some Problems it looks more like plastic not like glass thought...

kindest regards
Actually you've done a nice job with this one also Storm. :}

One of the most basic differences you will see between had glass/plastic and soft plastic or matted glass, is the size and hardness of the speculars.

So in your case, your main specular highlight at the top is too big and too soft. Size it down a bit and don't blur it so much. Perhaps also... make the reflection highlight a bit brighter too. That's the big circle highlight in the top half of the button. The one that fades out to the middle of the button.

See how that works. :righton:

Oh ya... and be sure that you never have 2 shadows going in the opposite direction. Remove the shadow along the top of the button for a more convincing effect.
This isn't to say that you'll never SEE an object with multiple shadows... it just isn't "noticed" that often, so it looks weird to people. And in the glass button image in the tute, there's only one visible light source... and that's the real dead giveaway that only one shadow should be created.

You're right!
I will read you're tut again and start from the beginning...

I'll would like to show you how it will looks like later this week if allowed...

Uhm since I'm new here is it the right place to show the work of your tuts or need I have to post it in another thread?

kindest regards
Great job with that tutorial!!

And, welcome to the board.

Hi stOrM! and welcome aboard! :)

Great job on that tute! :righton:

With Mark's expert advice, you'll have a nice shiny glass button in no time. ;)

As to where to post the results of his tutes, if there already isn't a thread "on the go", just start a new one in the "Showboard Area" of the board.
Ok I maked the Glass Button again and I guess what the Problem is but not really how to solve it...

In Step 3 of the Tut in these steps:

Ctrl-click 'Layer 1' to create a selection of it; but stay on your current layer. Pick any selection tool, then hold down the Shift key and tap the up arrow key 3x. Press Ctrl+J. Pick the MOVE tool, then hold Shift again and hit the down arrow key 1x. Apply the FILTER>Blur>Blur More filter. Lower the Opacity to 55%. ( image on the right )

When I do that, I get a really dark circle down the middle of my Glass Sphere, I think thats wrong cauze if I look on the Sample Image, in this Tut its between yellow and red... I wonder whats wrong...

It would be great, if I could send someone my PSD File to have a look at it? I also noticed that I have much to play with opacity in my Photoshop, because I can't use for example, the mentioned 65 percent value it looks totally different as on the sample images... Maybe a big Problem with Calibration I have???

Well if I reduce the Image Size it's not looking that bad but still not satisfied :-(

Well so if someone is interested I would love to send my PSD File...

kindest regards
Ok great thank you! :)

kindest regards
I hope you got the mail from me, cauze I wasn't sure which email address you have so I came across this site: http://persweb.direct.ca/dsm/ and used that email address to send you the psd. files... hope its ok?!

kindest regards
Ok in your second attempt, all i did was turn up the Opacity of your top highlight layer. You named it "gradient opacity 65 too much !"
I turned it up to 70. And i also stretched it a little so it was more half the height of the button. That's important to the effect.
And i sharpened your bg image too.

I also took your first highlight layer, you named it "white Spot 65 soft brush" and moved it below the button a bit, set it to Overlay and turned up the Opacity.

For your Glass Pill Button, i moved the "main highlight" layer down a bit. To get it away from the pill's top edge. If there's no dark line running across the top of the pill, it's hard for the eye to see the button as shiny.

A "before & after" of your glass button.
Wow looks much better Mark!

Thank you for you're improvements, sometimes it's hard for a beginner and also if you doen't speak english that well to get the meaning of almost everything...

You say: "And i also stretched it a little so it was more half"

I noticed it and I must say it's really highly important!

Just added the picture improvements again to asked you another Question...

You see what I ment with dark circly to the button of the left Image?
I was trying to change it often but never come out with you're result...
I wonder how you made it was it just the opacity for that layer?

Also would love to see you're improvement on my Glass-Pill also if possible?

thank you very much!


Afther playing, resizing, lowering down or tuning up some opacitys I think I have a nice result ? [excited]
forgot to change the blend mode also moved the bottom highlight a bit down... look good to me now! [excited]
That looks really good now Storm. :righton:

You mean that small black dot at the bottom center of the button? That's the clouds effect you created on a lower layer. If you don't like it there, just paint over it. :)

I didn't save out a version of your casule button though Storm. Wasn't really necessary. There was only the one or two changes i mentioned, and a minimal difference in the look. You've got it done now anyway in your previous post. ;)
I'm glad I did, with your help! :righton:
[stuned] It looks fabulous stOrM! :righton:
