...Where do you keep finding all that?...
Sorry Eggy, not sure what you mean, find all what?
Ambient Occlusion: (A natural Phenonemenemenmenemmen!)
When two surfaces are in close proximity they 'occlude' the light between them. Its not exactly a shadow although to make things easier you can regard it as such.
A small amount of 'AO' between objects happens naturally all the time...just check the corners of a room against the ceiling...they will appear slightly darker. This happens even in a well lit room although the brighter it is the more difficult it is to see.
Another example is simply holding your hands close together but not touching.....you'll notice it get darker between them although no shadow is cast....its just the 'ambient' light between them that is being occluded by their own proximity to each other.
You see how your wooden block looks a bit odd on the right hand side? It 'looks' as if its just not connected with the ground plane....a sort of 'no mans land'....AO would fix that.
I guess if you've never heard of it before then that means PS doesn't have it....or if it does its just on or off...sorry, I can't remember which is kind of why I asked the question.
You could probably fake it too if PS doesn't have it.
Anyway, no worries, keep it in mind for when you get Blendering.