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3D problem


Hello everyone! I have problem with 3D, when i setup everythink and go at the 3D i cant push the Repouss, i can only push the New 3D Postcard from Layer, when i push the botten show up this messege: 9bbubp3aad4wy84i5b.png

Can someone help me, fix this crap?
You have failed to mention what your actual hardware is.

real time 3d needs real power so if you have a weak graphics card ram and cpu then the software will just predict what it should look like without actualling rendering it, usually leaving poor 3d rendered images.

However if you have a high specced pc with a good graphics card then it could be a case of updating the drivers or enabling open gl.
under the edit>preferences>performance make sure you have increased the available power to photoshop and the use open gl check box is checked.

if that fails to work then it will be time to consider upgrading your hardware to fix this.
is that windows xp.

and as stated open gl needs activating under performance tab not 3d.

32mb of virtual ram seems low how much ram do you have installed
Ok then it seems like your graphics card is to poor to cope with it.

The only option is to upgrade graphics card and possibly rest of your pc.
