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Illustrator 3D logo in Adobe Illustrator tutorial !


New Member
Hi folks. Check out this tut I made on how to design 3D logos in Adobe Illustrator. Really tried to explain some things- great for beginners. Cheers


check out the tutorial :)

This video is not for beginners, beginners need verbal as well as visual it moves too fast that is a very cool design but far from a beginners tutorial, for the life of me I don't understand why people put music to learning tutorials?
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Yep, maybe you are right. But the phrase ''for beginners'' was with me in any of my tuts, so even this one is a bit advanced, I said it was a beginner level.
If you check out some of my other tuts, they are voice narrated. The only reason why this one has music in it is, you guess it, my voice :D
Thanks for the critique though!
fairly ironic 3d logo made primarily in 2d software (with 3d support) the logo you choose to replicate is a 3d logo for 3d software (cinema 4d)

Nice to see a tutorial that is new and not just someone copying someone elses tutorial (that I have seen anyway) but idad is right it definately not for beginners I can use illustrator to just about do what I want it to do and nothing fancy I could keep up with it from watching video without reading text but then I started getting lost at the point of gradients converting to masks as there was no real clear visual representation on what you were doing.

I don't understand why people put far more effort into these tutorials by writing out annotations instead of just plugging a mic in. I understand language barriers but as long as you get the general point across and it is a good tutorial people will stay with it.
Hoogle; Thanks for your comment. You have a point definitely. I used to make videos with my voice narration, but, there are several reasons why I don't make them anymore. The first is that I am senior year student now, and BARELY have time for myself these days. In past i had really a bunch of spare time so I could make what I wanted. The second reason is that english is not my native language (It's Bosnian> similar to Russian, dosvidanja :D) and when I record myself I have an unbelieveable number of catchphrases that I'm really ashame sometimes...
As I already said, the video isnt really a beginner one, it is in fact for those users who know a thing or two about illustrator already and use the tutorial to expand their skills... ;)
