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  1. S

    Can someone please use magic wand or quick selection tool for these two pics

    Can someone please help me either using quick selection tool or magic wand for these two pictures and paste each of the pic with black background One example that I had did but not very good can be seen below There is another picture that is very hard for me to use either quick selection...
  2. R

    window masking for Real Estate Photo

    I have been reworking my real estate photography technique. I am to the point I use a 3 shot 1 stop hdr exposure, I then shoot proper room exposure with a large 650 watt sec nicefoto flash to eliminate all shadows but I am still not happy with the windows. We have lots of mountain view where I...
  3. P

    Photoshop's Magic Wand Tool or Quick Select Tool

    Hi, what's better when trying to make a selection in Photoshop, Magic Wand or Quick Select. MrTom gave me some help with Quick Select but I was wondering what the difference was. Does one do a better job at somethings than the other? Thanks
  4. S

    changing colour using magic wand

    Hi I have selected part of a photo i wish to change the colour of using the magic wand now when i goto change colour using hue and saturation I cannot locate the exact colour that i want... any ideas re this much appreciated thanks
  5. S

    Urgent Help Needed RE: Quick Selection/Magic Wand Tool??

    Hi, I’m wondering if anyone can help with my query below, I understand it may be difficult to explain but I will try… I have a rectangle in the middle of a page with a centre line on a piece of paper, the paper has no background. The rectangle has two halves to it that can both be detected by a...
  6. W

    Magic wand tool messing up! :(

    So, I was using the magic wand tool to cut out stuff and usually when I have something with it I'll press the key "Delete" on my keyboard that part would go transparent but it wont do it anymore every time I press delete it comes up "Fill" how do I take it off fill and make it transparent?
  7. iDad

    Magic Wand

    why is it when making a selection with Magic wand I can not stroke it,I need to switch tools to get it done, it gets very frustrating, anyone else bugged by this? Or am I missing something?