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Photoshop Gurus Forum

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  1. gedstar

    Photoshop and High Sierra | macOS 10.13

    Some info for you MAC users out there https://helpx.adobe.com/photoshop/kb/photoshop-and-macoshighsierra.html Here's another issue someone else reported https://forums.adobe.com/thread/2387841
  2. S

    Why hello

    Just wanted to say hello. Located a hop, skip, and jump from Rochester NY. Appreciate all the users that lend a helping hand. Regards, Sepen
  3. Eggy

    A bug in Adobe Photoshop

    Hard to believe isn't it? :biglaff: Everytime you use PS an empty folder is created by Adobe in users: https://forums.adobe.com/thread/2180330 I was cleaning my folders manualy when in my users section I found nearly 6.000 (six thousand) empty files called 'Tempzxpsign***************'. If...
  4. IamSam

    Photo Retouching/Restoration Practice 4

    This thread is geared towards the newbies in our forum who are interested in retouching and restoration but everyone is invited to participate. Just try restore the image without colorization. I hope this can be a learning opportunity for new users and that our more seasoned members will be...
  5. gedstar

    Now Microsoft is breaking Windows 7 to get users to upgrade to Windows 10

    Nothing to do with PS Read more here http://betanews.com/2016/05/05/asus-secure-boot-windows-7-update/ Link to the fix posted in the article here http://www.asus.com/support/FAQ/1016356/
  6. gedstar

    2015 Adobe Photoshop Keyboard Shortcuts Cheat Sheet

    Not sure if anybody has posted this before but may come in handy for PS users http://www.setupablogtoday.com/adobe-photoshop-keyboard-shortcuts/ And for the rest of CC applications http://www.setupablogtoday.com/adobe-creative-cloud-cheat-sheet/
  7. admin

    Activity Points and Levels for Existing Users have been Calculated

    Some of you may have noticed that your points and levels were not reflecting past activity in the new Activity & Awards system. This has now been fixed. Activity Points and Levels for all existing users have been calculated. All user profiles should now display the correct figures. Activity...
  8. admin

    New Forum Features: Activity Points, Levels, Achievements, Awards

    We are pleased to announce that some major new features for the forum rolling out today. Photoshop Gurus Forum now has a system for Activity Points, Levels, Achievements, Awards, and Trophies. These will be displayed on user profiles and posts in the forum, along with a leaderboard. You may...
  9. IamSam

    Your opinion of Mac OS Yosemite 10.10.3

    I'm not one for upgrades. When an OS is working well with the hardware you currently have, upgrading can often be a disaster. I have recently been considering a video editing program to help me with creating video tutorials. The program I want requires Mac OS 10.9 or better............. Mac OS...
  10. D

    Hi from DesignIndiaDesign

    Hi All, I am on behalf of DesignIndiaDesign. I would like to share my experience and resolve other users queries. Regards DesignIndiaDesign
  11. Hoogle

    Mac users in for a bargain

    Ok we all love Topaz but the original idea came from a plugin called lucisart for years this plugin has not really been available to the average user as the cost of it was so high and only really aimed at professionals at several hundred dollars. Ok Topaz in my opinion and what I have seen...
  12. Hoogle

    Firefox and chrome users

    There is a new Java update However be warned once you install it you will find it is not compatable with the latest versions of chrome and firefox so for now I would avoid java updates as it makes plenty of sites come up like an ftp site. And also stops you from uploading images on here the...
  13. Y

    Looking for Photoshop/Illustrator users interested in working on comission

    Sup……I'm looking for peeps who are good with Photoshop and Illustrator, to collab with on some designs I've got. This is not a pay up front type of job. More of a project with a 15% commission concerning all profits. I'm looking to build a team of people I can collaborate with over the long...
  14. L

    PSG and Non-Registered Users...

    Hi I was browsing the site I noticed that it stated at the bottom 9 members and 103 guests, with 5 spiders Firstly I was wondering what were spiders? And Secondly... It would be great in my opinion if this forum could block unregistered users from not only commenting on posts but viewing...