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  1. pslane

    Photoshop Tutorial My Way

    This would be an appropriate time to post this tutorial that I did: http://www.photoshoptutorials.ws/photoshop-tutorials/photo-manipulation/create-electrifyingly-patriotic-manipulation-photoshop/ It's always fun to do a tutorial and add your own touches and come up with something entirely...
  2. ugur

    Displacement Map Try

    This is a test for me to use displacement maps. There is a rose picture and a dried sand texture. http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/ac/1741_-_Salzburg_-_Stiftskirche_St_Peter_-_Rose.JPG http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs34/i/2008/302/b/e/Texture_p_3_by_Sirius_sdz.jpg Dodge-burn touches...