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  1. C

    Paid Vore photomanip

    Looking for someone to make photomanip images of the character Divatox from Power Rangers Turbo. Specifically, I’d like her edited to be eating an insect using her long tongue. Let me know if you’re interested, and I can provide some references in the form of the clip from the movie where she...
  2. N

    Specific Can my tongue be removed?

    I got a hole in one in July, not sure why I stuck my tongue out lol
  3. T

    Specific Remove my tongue

    Could someone pretty pretty please remove my tongue from this photo and make it look like my mouth is closed or even open, no tongue visible 🙏
  4. M

    Specific Tongue removal

    Could someone pretty pretty please remove my tongue from this photo and make it look like I am smiling?
  5. L

    How to change a color of a shoe/garment into another specific color...

    Hey guys, so I recently ran into this assignment. I have a shoe that has different panels/areas. Let's just say that the tongue is a certain orange color but I want to change the tongue to the specific shade of blue r70 g103 b224. Here is how I did it, and let me know if this is incorrect or if...