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text repetition

  1. P

    How do you get a text file all lined up on the lines of a notepad template?

    I've got a word file and some notepad templates. Is there a process in Ps or Illustrator CC of being able to use another layer of text so that I can use hand writing and type text on them. Can it be done all at once or would you have to do it line by line using the text tool so the text looks in...
  2. J

    How to add bordered text to a .GIF?

    Hell, I was hoping someone would help me...I'm trying to create a .gif that uses bordered text, however, the only frame the text seems to be bordered is the very first frame. Do I have to duplicate my text layer with the border to put in before(on top of) each frame of my .gif, or is there a...
  3. B

    repeated text background

    Hi! Can anybody help me? I´m trying to create a background with the same text repeated many times in random positions and sizes. something like this http://www.layersmagazine.com/images/tutorials/design/photoshop/2009_05/15.jpg