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  1. D

    Skydive sticker request

    Hey guys, I know you guys are all pro's and I'd love to get you help please :) so me and my friends are skydivers and there's a thing that you put stickers on your helmet to make it cool �� Anyways, I had half of an idea and would of loved your creative minds to help. so you can see on the...
  2. T

    I need help creating a sparkle symbol

    Hello! I was trying to create a sparkle-kinda shape, but all I managed to do was some sort of weird looking swastika. I was trying to make something like the symbols circled on this image I am posting. Thanks in advance!
  3. MrToM

    Challenge #40: COMPLETE THE IMAGE

    First of all a big thanks to @Eggy for challenge #39....it was fun. Challenge #40.... "COMPLETE THE IMAGE." Below you'll see a simple image containing some familiar 'symbols'. Complete the image by incorporating the symbols into a 'scene' of your choice, using whatever you like...images...
  4. N

    Blue border after crop?

    Hi, starting to try to learn photoshop on my own. It's the little details that are confusing me. I just cropped this image (I believe a destructive crop) and there remains this blue border plus little symbols on the upper left hand corner. What are these and how do I get rid of them? Thanks...
  5. H

    Illustrator How in the world was this created??

    Hoping someone might know how this was created because Illustrator's appearance panel doesn't give me a clue?:banghead: ai file attached. Thanking you so much in advance. halfpiint
  6. M

    Illustrator Color filters for symbols

    Hi, I am new to Illustrator. I practice Flash more often. In Flash, you can create symbols and apply them a color filter which includes hue, alpha, saturation parameters. So instances can vary in colors and alpha. I hoped it would also be possible on Illustrator, but I just found this spray...