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  1. gedstar

    3D Chateau De PSG

    Just another go at PS 3D Render time 5.5 hours, didn't have the patience to wait that long so stopped it after 3 hours :naughty:
  2. I

    Color Picker stopped working

    Hi, I am having problems with my color picker. When in the Color Picker screen - I cannot use my mouse to move the pointer, nor can I use my mouse to adjust the slider. I can use the eyedrop tool to get colour samples outside of the picker, but once in that screen cannot adjust the...
  3. A

    cs4 serial # stopped working

    My photoshop cs4 (which I purchased new online and have used for a year and a half), recently stopped working w/ error mssg that serial # is not valid. This followed taking my system in for virus removal. Does anyone have a suggestion for getting it running again. Using the serial # that came...
  4. B

    Quick Mask Feature Stopped working

    On CS4 when I click the Quick Mask button it indicates that it's on but will not paint what I'm trying to mask. I tried opening PS with shift+ctrl+alt to reset preferences but do not get the question to return to default. I'm using it on Vista. It worked fine a day ago.