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  1. A

    Help with cut-outs

    Hi - I wasn't sure whether to post this here or the 'asking for free editing' part. I'd just like a little help/advice on cut-outs. My photoshop skills are generally ok, but my dark secret is that I'm *terrible* at doing selections and cut-outs. I have such a complex about it now. I've been...
  2. H

    My Rectangular Marquee Tool is leaving selections all over the place

    My Rectangular Marquee Tool is leaving selections everywhere and the selections are weird with squares in the corners at times. It also seems to have a history so when I Ctrl+Alt+Z it goes back to the previous selection. I have new selection enabled but I still get this problem and it is...
  3. gedstar

    New Select and Mask in PSCC20115.5.1

    Just wondering how you people are finding the New Select and Mask feature in PS which was introduced in PSCC2015.5 I've been trying it out and find it pretty hard to make good selections in comparison to the Refine Edge option in CC2015.1.2 and older versions Seems to be very buggy and a lot of...
  4. C

    Struggling to select object

    Hi first post this, I have been struggling all morning using various methods of selecting a car in one of my photos I have been using the quick selection tool and read various methods and none of which I can get it right I can get close but there are spots and parts where the car does not get...
  5. S

    PS CC 2015 and Windows 10 "I" Colour Selection not working

    Hi All As the title says really I have installed Windows 10 recently and I'm not sure what's happened but the keyboard shortcut "I" Colour Selection has stopped working and the Space key to move around the enlarged image if I choose their icon then all is well it's just the shortcuts, other...
  6. Q

    Skeletons, blurs and bevels...

    1. How to skeletonize an object (to thin a line or shape to 1 pixel width) in Photoshop? This type of operation is very basic for scientific image manipulation (imageJ and such), and I wonder if there is a way to do it in Photoshop. If you are not familiar with the term, here is a link that...
  7. R

    Howto divide an area into adjacent selections?

    Hi, I have a black and white picture which I want to colorize, so I want to make selections of various elements in the picture, then apply different colors to the selections. For example, a dress with a belt in the center: there are three selections: the upper part of the dress, which shares a...
  8. J

    How to Select tiled image

    Hey, I have been playing with the Kaleidoscope effect on pixel bender to create some fun patterns. The end result looks cool, but now I would like to find and crop the repeated tile out so I can make it a pattern brush to use on other applications. The problem I am having is not all my images...
  9. rufinatti

    Quick-and-Dirty Selections

    Pulled from another thread because I thought others might get benefit from this. In reference to the above image, MikeMc said: Thanks, Mike. The pen tool would be the most precise option. However, in this instance, I didn't feel like taking the time to trace around each individual...
  10. T

    Looking to Emulate Style

    Hey, everyone! Nice to meet y'all! I'm trying to emulate the idea that is on this image in a little project of mine, but I'm kinda of banging my head against the wall/keyboard more than achieving actual results (for visual reference, a smilie: :banghead:). At first, I thought about drawing a...