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retouching job

  1. A

    Brushes Removing large background object

    Hello all, I'm pretty new to Photoshop which I'm currently learning to use. I've got a picture I took of a car. I'm trying to remove some of the ugly background from it; mainly the hose roller on the left of the car, probably the blue tent as well. I made a mask of the upper left area of...
  2. Quantum3

    Hi there, I'm a photo-manipulator.

  3. F

    RETOUCHING JOB! $50 for the best entry . . .

    Hi, I'd like to announce a competition for a piece of professional retouching. It can be anything that really shows of your skills - nothing too vulgar please. I am thinking EXTREME fashion or product shots, but frankly anything that's truly impressive will be considered. The winner will...