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painting textures

  1. H

    How is this artist adding a 3rd dimension here?

    There's an artist I've been following for a little while. The name of this artist is Frances Seward. if you go to Etsy and find his/her shop (FrancesPhotography) you'll see her/his (not sure if man or woman) work virtually always incorporates a near 3 dimensional feel to her/his abstracts...
  2. P

    3D Painting on 3d models in PS 6?? Please HELP!!! :)

    Hi, I have a question for CS6 experts, and grateful for any responses. I'd like to paint directly onto a .obj file in 3d; doing all my texture work in PS. In earlier CS extended version, I could paint directly onto the model, and the color was opaque and gave me the pure color I was looking at...