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  1. Pipsmom

    BEFORE and After Newby at play

    Before and After of a Newby trying to learn Photoshop using tutorials plus wrapping my head around using a Mac. Am I on the right track editing friends JPEGS to learn off of? And am I doing it right Before After
  2. B


    Hello everybody another newby here.
  3. P


    Good morning! I am a new member and have only been using Photoshop for a short time. One thing I came across recently is that I needed to use the select tool to crop and move a section of an image. I then tried to use the clone stamp tool to soften some of the edges around the cropping, but when...
  4. Joy

    New to you and Photoshop

    Hello, :wave: I am looking to make friends and learn new things. I am all kinds of new to this. But grown not! for... I am a fast learner I am likely to have more questions than any one person would feel like answering. (good thing there is more than one of you here) :runaway: :!: one small...
  5. H

    Hello from the lastest newby

    Hi everybody looking forward to a lot of help here :) I just photoshop and cameras