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  1. J

    Paid Photo edit of my grandfather

    Hi all, My grandfather just passed away. He was 104. This was the last photo we took of him. We want to use it at his memorial. We like the photo but unfortunately, his head is cut off. Would someone be willing to recreate the top of his head and remive the glare from his glasses? I posted some...
  2. B

    Specific Memorial photo for family dog - Please remove pole

    Hi there, Our beloved Labrador, Rocky, passed away on Tuesday this week. The whole family is heartbroken but especially my dad as they had such a strong bond. I'd really like to combine a photo with a pawprint I have of his, but in the photo I want to use there is a pole partially blocking my...
  3. Tom Mann

    In case you've been wondering what I've been up to ...

    For the last couple of months, I've been shooting photos for our local fire and emergency medical services organization. Many of these have already been used in weekly advertisements for recruitment of volunteers and career-track personnel, press releases to local news outlets, illustration of...