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  1. P

    lighten only one side of a photo

    My sister has a photo that was taken from outside a car window so on the right its nice and light but the subject on the right is dark I need to lighten only the right side how would i do that?
  2. T

    Lighten to specific K value?

    Hi All, I have a b&w image that I need to lighten uniformly so that the darkest parts of the images are 65%K. Is there a precise way of doing this instead of using brightness sliders or curves? Apologies if this should be in the newbies forum -- wasn't sure where to put it, so opted for...
  3. J

    problem with apply different effect on seperate layers

    Dear all, i having problem with apply different effect on seperate layers. let say i create 3 copy layer 1 for smooth skin 1 for sharpen and 1 for lips lighten. however when i sharpen my model with layer mask how can i go to lighten lips cause it won't take effect at all.
  4. B

    Help needed with screen and lighten blend mode problem

    I'm using CC 2014, I'm trying to add textures; smoke, fire etc onto logos, twitch overlays etc. But for some reason when my layers background is white and I use the screen or lighten blend mode to get rid of the black background on the texture it throws the whole thing behind my layer...
  5. B

    Photo Shop Lighten and darken

    This is a way simple question. But I am just starting out with Photoshop. I am also using an ancient version. I am using 4.0. How do I darken a selected area?
  6. SeniorS

    Did you know: Burn Tool + ALT = Lighten Tool

    Of course, 90% of you knows it allready. But if you aren't in that percentage and don't "waste" time reading manuals then you know now. Burn Tool: With pressed ALT key Burn Tool turns into "Lighten" Tool. Options for it are same as Burn Tool, so bigger % in Exposure it will lighten more place...