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  1. T

    Paid Fix Graduation Tassel

    Unfortunately, when I received my diploma my tassel was turned backwards (you cannot see the 2020 and it is reversed). I have included some other pictures that feature the tassel. If anyone can fix it and make 2020 facing the right direction but also look as natural as possible, it would be...
  2. B

    New member

    I have just installed Photoshop ( thank you Father Christmas) and can't wait to get started. I have a bar / restaurant in SW France. I speak English. I will use PS for publicity projects like my website, flyers and posters. My first job is to create pics like the one attached. The technique...
  3. T

    Could you remove the people in the background of these photos

    Hi! I graduated from Southbank Centre last week but it was very crowded so there are lots of people in the background of my pictures. I was just wondering if anyone is able to remove the people in the background of these three pictures. Thank you!
  4. E

    Graduation Cap - Design Help!

    I am about to graduate from Washington State University (colors are Crimson and Grey) and I want to decorate my cap, however whenever I try to do this myself the quality is terrible. The cap is 9.5 inches by 9.5 inches, I think it would be better if the photo (will be printed on high quality...
  5. B

    please help :)

    Please add boy in pic one to pic two in position 4. Hope this makes sense :) Traditional graduation pic of kids growing up, one son couldnt make it lol
  6. A

    *will pay* adding MBA graduation robe to image.

    Willing to pay 50/image via pay pal to find and add a graduation robe,hat and hood to 2 images. May be difficult job so willing to negotiate price. I can email images on request. Need it done as soon as possible please.