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  1. A

    Specific Space Jam Logo Edit #72

    Hi! I need a space jam logo to say “Happy Purim!” for stickers I am making myself. Thank you!

    Specific Mask up western Pt.2

    Hi there, I'd like to kindly request another edit of the mask onto the cowboy this time.

    Specific Mask Up Western

    Hi I'd like the mask put onto the character and the cowboy made black and white with a bit of red detail. Thanks

    Specific Mask Layer and background removal

    Hi there I'm looking to have the mask in the .png added onto the man's face and to have the background removed except the chair and the guy in his suit.

    Specific CONNMASK layer

    Hi there, I'm looking for someone to include the mask in the attached image onto an edited version of the 1950's suit advert also attached. I'd like the text and background of the suit advert cleared to a ____________ background and the man in the suit left with the CONNmask over his face. Any...
  6. M

    Specific Remove people

    hello please remove the girl on the left in white and the people behind. tysm!!!
  7. S

    Specific Edit bottle out of back pocket?

    Hi, could someone photoshop that bottle in my back pocket?
  8. Z

    How to create this Font effect

    I wanted to add this exactly same font to my gif in photoshop but Im just a newbie. I need to know how to do this effect so I can write what I want. This is the pic and the font effect I want.
  9. A

    Specific Space Jam Logo #8

    Could someone please make the space in the Space Jam logo to say 'Freshman' with the same font and gradient color? I've tried it on Photoshop and couldn't the hang of it. Its for a homecoming logo.
  10. Blacktooth

    Specific Gaming profile Logo design

    Good day, here to ask for a cool logo with the following. Based of the Saiga antelope, make head logo, white on black background. Size, 300 x 300 Kind regards.
  11. R

    Specific Help Me Shade This

    I am the worst at shading and when i say the worst i mean the worst please can you help me. I dont need anything realistic just simple and good looking Thanks Redline
  12. T

    Free PSD Mockups

    Hi, I want to share with you a site where you can download PSD Mockups (electronic, food, item) entirely for Free. All mockups have editable semi-transparent shadows, electronics mockups - iPhone, iPad, Surface are in all colors and also have fully editable screens. All assets on Undesigns.net...
  13. chrisdesign

    3D Steampunk glass encased Fantasy Rocket

    ....or maybe just another 3D Blender attempt to create artful design. The hands I downloaded from https://archive3d.net, but applied my own material. The 'rocket' is my own design. Feel free to comment it.
  14. A

    Actions for Pizza Photography Needed

    Hi All, Kindly anyone has a free actions for Pizza photography ?
  15. B

    My old stuff

    Hi! I wanna show you some of my old things. I have made it when I was 12y old. https://devastationart.deviantart.com/gallery/ I had a long break with Ps but now I am here to learn more. Feel free to appreciate my signatures.
  16. ZeroCool22

    3D Face Reconstruction from a Single Image.

    Developers in the UK have created code to extract a 3D model of your face using only a selfie. You can upload any photo you want for free. http://www.cs.nott.ac.uk/~psxasj/3dme/
  17. D


    I subscribe to creative cloud but infortunately CC doesnt offer the facility to save as dds. Does anyone know of a free legal CS2 download as I cant bring myself to pay twice. Thanks
  18. chrisdesign

    Time Portal

    Imagine a jump from 2017 to 2057. These are the main images I used... ...to create this. Feel free to comment on this composite.
  19. gedstar

    The best free graphic design software

    More info http://www.creativebloq.com/graphic-design/free-graphic-design-software-8134039
  20. S

    Actions What action is this?

    Hey everyone, I'm looking to duplicate the Action/Effect put on the 4 portraits shown on this page: Paid or Free Actions/Plugins whatever work - just need to get as close to this as possible! Thank you!