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  1. R

    Editable Text as a Layer Mask

    Hi, I have two text layers as illustrated in attachment Liquid-Soul_A. The Fill of both text layers is set to 40%. I want to achieve the effect shown in Liquid-Soul_B but I'd like the text to remain editable. Any ideas? I've tried everything I can think of.
  2. H

    Need help with arc:(

    Hi! I am new to yhis forum and relatively new to Photoshop:) I have a problem:( I have a picture that contains a circle, on the outer edge I want to make an arc, like a container where a name should be, then I want the name to be editable ant thus the arc/container has to be editable to:)...
  3. ZipedX

    Creating editable text fields.

    Hi Guys n gals! I'm helping out a friend to make a few changes to a brochure. Question is can I make editable text fields that my friend can use in a freeware such as acrobat? This would apply to head/bodytexts. The changes would just mean to replace words and sentences with new ones so no...