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  1. S

    Droplet automation only for BMP

    Hey guys, I'm having the following problem: I need to export files in folders with Capture One. Some of these files are Bitmap, the rest ist RGB. The problem is, that Capture One is not showing (and obviously can't handle) Bitmap. So I need to automatically transform all Bitmaps to RGB. I want...
  2. Z

    How to convert a bitmap image into a old type negative film Look ?

    How to convert a bitmap image into a old type negative film Look ? Do they used any 3rd party plugins etc??? Or it can be achieved with Photoshop ? If it so a tutorial really helpful to all of us.
  3. H


    My name is Tim. I have been doing graphic arts and now digital for nearly 25 years since college. I have a couple questions about bmp and tiffs. Where on the site since i am new can i post it.
  4. J

    Custom Halftone Screen

    How can I create a custom halftone screen? I have tried to define a pattern and use that, and have over layed a pattern with hard-mix but I cannot seem to get as clear results as these. Any help would be appreciated.