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  1. W

    Re: Creating light effects, rays, glare, streak, beam from robot eyes, etc.

    Can anyone show me how to make this horizontal light beam effect -- similar to the picture pictured? Thanks!
  2. N

    Grain in pic.

    Hey everyone.and especially those who have helped in me the past..this is one of the shots i have taken last or so. In photoshop it looks good..but when converting to SRGB and save it as JPG (save for web) and viewing it on screen, some colors in area seems to be have been lost. You can see the...
  3. J

    Text on Circle- Cursor will not change from I beam

    I am a new-bee. I read and watched Youtube video on how to wrap text on a circle. I did the following: 1. Turned on my Path view under windows 2. Created a new file. Used default settings. 3. Clicked on the Elipse 4. Selected the Path Icon at top. Second one 5. Hit Shift and created a circle...