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background edit

  1. D

    Specific Background edit...one more

    Would like to have the poster behind the woman removed and have it match the red background as it appears on the right side. Would also like the shadows to remain as they are so it appears as natural as possible. Please repost in the original format and size. Thanks!
  2. D

    Specific pretty basic background edit

    Would like to have the poster behind the woman removed and have it match the dark red background as it appears on the left side. Would also like the shadows to remain as they are so it appears as natural as possible. Please repost in the original format and size. Thanks!
  3. D

    Background edit

    I need advice as to remove the logos in the background while maintaining the natural texture and lighting variances so it looks natural and not just a flat color. I'm not a novice but am self taught so I have some gaps in my knowledge. Please be as specific as possible. Thanks very much.
  4. 0Naught4Nothing0

    Specific Another removal request!

    Yep, I'm back at it again! This one shouldn't be too hard for pros like you, I hope. All I'm asking for is the "Join..." to be removed and replaced with the background. Any attempts or submissions are greatly appreciated! A thousand thank yous-...
  5. N

    photo edit help

    Hi, Please help to insert my parents to the background I'd tried but result is so bad :bangdesk: thank you so much!
  6. U

    Background edit request.

    I would like someone to edit the background into a rehearsal room. Thank you!