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  1. J

    Uploading Problem?

    Well, I just kind of moved stuff around a bit and made the canvas a smaller size so you can actually read the comic now! Thanks for helping me out, though! :)
  2. J

    Uploading Problem?

    Ok, so I'm trying to upload this comic I completed in Photoshop cs5 to Facebook. It uploaded fine and everything but when you try to read it on Facebook, you can barely read it because it's so small! I wish there was a zoom in feature or something but unfortunately, there's not. Here are the...
  3. J

    Brush Problems

    Turns out you are able to control flow in Elements! I'm not sure why they have to hide it like that...I pressed shift+0 and the flow returned to normal. Thanks everyone for trying to solve my problem! ;)
  4. J

    Brush Problems

    It's ok, I'll figure it out. Thanks for helping!
  5. J

    Brush Problems

    It looks like a flow problem to me also but unfortunately Elements doesn't have the option to change the flow. I reset all the brush settings, and nothing changed. I also tried to reset the preference by pressing ctrl alt shift when photoshop opens, but nothing happened. No windows popped up or...
  6. J

    Brush Problems

    I opened up photoshop today and I noticed my brush strokes looked very watery and opaque. I made sure the opacity was 100% and also made sure I was using the same default brush. Can anyone help me fix this? And also I use Photoshop Elements 7.