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  1. malyo

    PSD layer style: 1px stroke adds 2px

    Thanks again this is really helpful
  2. malyo

    PSD layer style: 1px stroke adds 2px

    Thanks for the effort guys, well i was paying atention to pixel while doing some PSD website layout, not exactly vector work. Thanks again.
  3. malyo

    PSD layer style: 1px stroke adds 2px

    here's example, i can't see feather options in shape tool (i can see it in mark tool for example) im obviously using non english version of psd
  4. malyo

    Looking for web design fundamentals (professional)

    Hello mate well i think you missunderstood my concept a bit, anyways i have actualy found one good source which is book called The Principles of Beautiful Web Design, 2nd Edition, w8ing for release in my native language next month tho, it's a good start. Thanks for trying tho.
  5. malyo

    Is there a definitive beginners book the is suitable for what I need to do?

    Hello I wanna suggest something that isn't exactly book, but i find it much better as a good reference and step by step guide, it covers very essentials+. It's Lynda com course of Photoshop CS5 by Deke McClelland, just google it, hope that helps!
  6. malyo

    Looking for web design fundamentals (professional)

    Hello I've been through hundreds of pages, tutorials about web design. One of them is the step by step tutorial, building the website from 0 (well just template but doesn't really matter). The problem i meet with these kind of tutorials, is that they are not really explanatory, about...
  7. malyo

    PSD layer style: 1px stroke adds 2px

    Hello I had quick break while using photoshop, anyways when i got back and done some tutorials, i've realised one thing: When i made for example rectangle shape, and then add a layer style stroke lets say gray with 1 px, then first of all it adds 1 px lighter shadow color around it, plus...
  8. malyo

    PSD printing and font size problem

    Hello I've decided to improve my CV through Photoshop obviously. But the very first problem i've encountered is that i'm not quite sure that the font size in Photoshop (let's say Times New Roman 12 pt) doesn't really equal the 12 pt font in MS Word. How should i overcome this problem...
  9. malyo

    Making vector graphic out of low quality image

    Hello This is my first post out here, i'll try to be constructive: I've got this low res and quality (115x200) image, which is animal shape. It's basicaly one colored (black) with some distracting blue background. I'd like to get the shape out of this image, so i can convert it to vector...