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  1. J

    Newbie issue: Can't change color of layer in PS

    Okay thank you. Will check it out. I was hoping for more accuracy when picking different colors from the palette using the previous method so I could compare them on the fly in the image. But I guess there is no free lunch, :(
  2. J

    Newbie issue: Can't change color of layer in PS

    Thank you for the help, I created the solid fill layer and picked the color I want from my palette with the picker, however I'm not sure if the color I'm picking is being replaced on the wall or if its maybe combining with the original. The hex code is displayed as I hover over the color I want...
  3. J

    Newbie issue: Can't change color of layer in PS

    I'm trying to change the colors of separate layers using the Image /Adjustments/match color menu and using the eyedropper tool, however I may be doing something wrong or missing some steps. Appreciate any help. I explain in the video below.