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    Creating a transparent background.

    Thank you. A good work around. Also only just learning how to respond on this forum.
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    Creating a transparent background.

    John, thank you very much for that added information. It was most helpful. Have scanned the original image at 1200dpi (or is it now ppi) as a png file. I will go ahead and do as you suggest, using the Curves Adjustment prior to Blend If.
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    Creating a transparent background.

    Thank you both very much for your much appreciated help!
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    Creating a transparent background.

    Thank you for your reply Sam. Sorry to be tedious. I scanned the image written in blue biro on white paper (hence white background). From this scanned image, how do I now remove the white paper (background) behind the blue biro formulae? How did you create the transparent background in you...
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    Hello from New Member

    Hello everyone It has been a long time since I last used Photoshop and so lots of updates. Lot to catch up on. Great forum.
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    Creating a transparent background.

    I have scanned a handwritten formulae. I want to make the background transparent so that I can overlay the formulae to appear on top of a photograph in a new layer. Is there any way I make the background transparent?