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  1. P

    Specific Remove lights

    Thank youu sweatheart <3
  2. P

    Specific Remove lights

    Hi hotshots. Can someone please remove those weird lights at the end of the road. Please and thank you :3
  3. P

    Specific Getting more darkness

    This is perfect. Yhank you
  4. P

    Specific Getting more darkness

    No no i want only down part to be extra black. Like almost invisible. Uper houses i want it to be as it was. Like u know black houses and this metal stuff but tree i want it to be as it is
  5. P

    Specific Getting more darkness

    Hello again. I want to get every house and this metal stuff dark. Like it would be great if only color stuff will be the sky
  6. P

    Specific Need to black out my friend

    Sup yall. I would like to edit my friend to look like a shadow, u kniw overall black. Oh and can you please move her to be exacly under the light
  7. P

    Specific Remove guys from pic

    Can someone please remove those 2 guys and police car please
  8. P

    Specific Remove floating heads!

    Thank you very much yall.
  9. P

    Specific Remove floating heads!

    Can someone please remove those guys from the water and the truck. Please make the guy standing look completly black. Thanks in advance