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  1. R.Braverman

    Matching colors from one side to the other from scan

    You're right on everything in that post. I need to see what I can do, and what I'm willing to do.
  2. R.Braverman

    Matching colors from one side to the other from scan

    A duh moment: Look at what I upp'd, that area was part of something else and got stuck/overlaid etc on top of this image, parts of it are transparent. If you look behind parts of it, you can see what is really there. I think this changes (possibly permanently) things. What say you?
  3. R.Braverman

    Matching colors from one side to the other from scan

    OK: 1. I misinterpreted what you said. I though you were picking 2-3 spots and dealing with them all at once, I didn't realize it was one step/area at a time. My hand isn't that steady, even with the Wacom. 2. The way you're proposing, means a section item at a time, correct? If I didn't get...
  4. R.Braverman

    Matching colors from one side to the other from scan

    Back in the early 90's I was involved in programming, feeding and caring for BBS systems, so I've been involved with "forums" and discourses for a while. A lot has changed, obviously, but ONE thing that hasn't, is I've noticed ESPECIALLY when dealing with Photoshop, almost more than any other...
  5. R.Braverman

    Matching colors from one side to the other from scan

    Ok, re-read and promptly came upon something I don't know/understand: could you explain this a deeper? I don't (and this shows my naivety) how to use the sample point, in regards to sampling 2-3 points. That's not really how I wanted to explain it, but the more I look at it, the less I can...
  6. R.Braverman

    Matching colors from one side to the other from scan

    Wow your responses/suggestions/tutorials are AWESOME! SERIOUSLY! I knew the answer to my question was going to lead into this area, an area I've nimbly avoided in the 20 odd years of using PS occasionally, and at times, avidly. I've printed out everything and need to to read and reread...
  7. R.Braverman

    Matching colors from one side to the other from scan

    Not sure this is the correct place to start this, so BY ALL MEANS move it to where it should be if necessary (as if you needed my permission ...) As you can see, this is, well maybe you can't ... OK, this is a scanned in photo, if you look the boat on the left is/has a bluish cast, while the...
  8. R.Braverman

    Scanned slide to 11x14?

  9. R.Braverman

    Scanned slide to 11x14?

    The problem is that - unlike me - you need to use the search terms that return results. Those that I wasn't using.
  10. R.Braverman

    Scanned slide to 11x14?

    Well, I got to thinking ... There are image output options within Vuescan that got me wondering; there is a sharpening option and restore colors, which I scanned with and the initial scan was wonderful - BUT that still means that there is a software algorithm that makes the change, not PS - agreed?
  11. R.Braverman

    Scanned slide to 11x14?

    Whew, (NOT complaining) but I need time to take all this in. I've copied it out to a note so that I can re-read 'till I understand better. I have NO problem with wordy - I get to learn more (not that a lot of it sticks around in my head for very long) but if I make good notes, I'm the one who...
  12. R.Braverman

    Scanned slide to 11x14?

    Here are my thoughts in addition to my first post, assuming your scanner can handle slides and negatives. Before the rest of this (which is GREATLY appreciated), who do you "compute" scanned resolution to get print resolution? But another question comes to mind; how do you temporarily enlarge...
  13. R.Braverman

    Scanned slide to 11x14?

    Everything, even 4x4
  14. R.Braverman

    Scanned slide to 11x14?

    I left a lot out eh? Try to answer all: These are pic's that I have of a loved one, the only images I have are those I took and developed (myself) all those years ago. I've now decided to enlarge them so that I can enjoy them. I've no schedule and they're individual images, of her and really...
  15. R.Braverman

    Scanned slide to 11x14?

    That kinda says it all, I only have 35+ year old slides/neg's/prints of someone that I'm trying to "recapture:", as it were is and would like ANY hints or tips on what people here have done to maximize the output.
  16. R.Braverman

    Start with previous session

    I see nothing there after this. Let's try again, I'll check more often, i tend to get sidetracked a lot.
  17. R.Braverman

    Start with previous session

    I would LOVE it. That's very kind of you!
  18. R.Braverman

    Start with previous session

    Is there a way, like a commandline switch maybe, to start PS (2015.5) with the images that were in the previous (closed out) session to be loaded upon opening?