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  1. Webmist

    multiple pages

    What file format are you looking for it to be saved? Those that open or read it, how are they going to read the material? Depending on that is going to determine options. PS is capable of exporting to PDF as well as image formats. An example for Photoshop; to export the canvas size in pixels...
  2. Webmist

    Hello from Back At It

    Thank you! I still use the 3D workspace to do avatar skins/tattoos. With modeling it certainly helps with aligning templates up seamlessly.
  3. Webmist

    Found it: Some broken dead links

    Hi, just signed up and reading the rules on the following threads, found the highlighted links look to be pointing to an old install of vB forums. https://www.photoshopgurus.com/forum/threads/welcome-to-photoshop-gurus-new-users-please-read.26858/...
  4. Webmist

    Hello from Back At It

    Have used photoshop for quite awhile and even still have my disk if that says anything. Started out with MS Image Composer and migrated to Paint Shop Pro (former PSPUG), and boy am I dating myself. But when PSP transitioned over I decided was going to try something that might actually stick...