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  1. I

    Specific Royal Gorge Edit

    Hello :) I have a request concerning a picture I took at the royal gorge bridge. The scene was very cool to look at but I wished the grey railing wasn’t a part of it. If someone could please help me out and remove it, making it just the scenery. Thank you
  2. I

    Specific Dollar bill

    That is amazing!! Thank you so much, it’s perfect, couldn’t have seen it any different!! Thank you again!!! Hope you have an amazing day, week, everything, thank youu!!
  3. I

    Specific Dollar bill

    Hello, I was wondering if someone would help me on this one edit I’m having trouble with. So the back of the dollar bill is what I’m trying to edit, I was wondering if someone could edit the “One Dollar” at the bottom of the bill to “ More Time” in the same font as the “one dollar font.” And I...