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  1. M

    Dylan’s World

    For some reason not allowing me to attach file saying too big 1MB????
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    Dylan’s World

    Hi Dormeur74 This script is Brilliant your very talented and thank you very much for sharing with me, so easy to use below is sample of about 10 minutes work I just picked folder at random for images. Thanks again
  3. M

    Dylan’s World

    Thanks Dormeur I shall give the script a try over the weekend thank you for sharing. I shall let you know how I get on.
  4. M

    Specific Remove glare from neck

    What Corona panic??? 😉
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    Dylan’s World

    First attempt after attending Australian Pink Floyd show but did not get background quite right. Darker area top right.
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    Dylan’s World

    Hi IAM5AM I have created a layer where hopefully I can just exchange images as he grows. It is a good tutorial I am still very much a newbie and enjoyed doing this Cheers
  7. M

    Dylan’s World

    Cheers for advice
  8. M

    Unsuccessful in setting up a two-monitor system

    Hi Again You might also want to look at any specific settings on your graphic card software plus possibly check drivers.. My graphic card options
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    Unsuccessful in setting up a two-monitor system

    Hi If this helps these are the display settings I have set for 2 monitors windows 10, Hope this helps
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    Dylan’s World

    Hi to mark arrival my first Grandchild Will add to this as he grows and I get more photos of him.
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    Specific Can you please remove the people from my photo?

    Hi I see IamSam has already done this but just wanted to practice and see how to post on this site
  12. M

    Hi All

    Hi just a guy who is trying to learn photoshop as a hobby. I hope to have a try at some restorations and keen to see others contributions to see if my skill is improving. Hopefully get some tips and also able to help others. looking forward to the journey. Cheers
  13. M

    Good evening all

    Hi just a guy who is trying to learn photoshop as a hobby. I hope to have a try at some restorations and keen to see others contributions to see if my skill is improving. Hopefully get some tips and also able to help others. looking forward to the journey. Cheers