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Search results

  1. I

    Photo/Image copy of old newspaper

    Oh, my bad. Yes, i need images of the entire paper.
  2. I

    Photo/Image copy of old newspaper

    Thank you for the effort, but i meant a scan of the original paper. It's the layout that i need.
  3. I

    Photo/Image copy of old newspaper

    Hi! I have been scouring the net for a digitized copy of The Wallstreet Journal of the weekend of April 30 - May 1st, 2011. I have not been succesful in my quest. I'm from Europe and can't seem to access the sites that look like they could provide this paper. Is there anyone that can help or...
  4. I

    Specific Make background transparant

    Thank you so much! You are fast! I'm gonna push my luck and ask if you could you do the other one as well?
  5. I

    Specific Make background transparant

    Hi! Can anybody up the pixels of these 2 images and make the white background transparant? Thank you so much in advance, guru!
  6. I

    Paid Logo nature woman

    Hi! I like this very much! Can you make the face without color? The rest is perfect! I dont know how payment goes, do i just wire it to your paypal or? Just let me know
  7. I

    Paid Logo nature woman

    Hi everyone! Could someone re-enact this logo with a few subtle changes? It can look A LOT like this one, but not 100% if you know what i mean. Lol. Thank you so much! I can't spare much money so the loot is €25...
  8. I

    Specific Replace cat's head!

    Thank you so much!!!!!
  9. I

    Specific Replace cat's head!

    Thank you so much!!!
  10. I

    Specific Replace cat's head!

    Hiya guys! Replace cat's head with head from other photo and switch the white wall with floor. I have 2 photos of my cats. You'll see that in one photo, the one cat has a blurry face and in the other one the other cat has a blurry face. My questions is if you could swap the cats head with the...
  11. I

    Specific Make background completely opaque.

    Thank you so much!!
  12. I

    Specific Make background completely opaque.

    OMG this is great!! Thank you! I did see that I didn't uploaded the image with max resolution. Is it too much to ask to do the same for these? 😅 Can you maybe also explain what you did so that I can try it myself the next time? OH and could you perhaps also make it an ai or EPS file?? You guys...
  13. I

    Specific Make background completely opaque.

    Hi guys! Once again i turn to you wise gurus for guidance and/or help. I have two pictures where the background needs to be fully opaque. I managed to make most of the background see-through, but i can't seem to get rid of the pixels surrounding my image. Can anyone do a better job than me? 😩 I...
  14. I

    Specific Remove red background and make symbols as clear as possible

    It's a lot better than my attempt, thanks! Is it too much to ask if you also have time to do the other image? Either way, I'm already very thankful!
  15. I

    Specific Remove red background and make symbols as clear as possible

    Hi! No I do not have the original digital images. That's kind of the problem...
  16. I

    Specific Remove red background and make symbols as clear as possible

    Hi! Thank you for responding! It's those specific 2 images that I need. If not, Google would indeed have sufficed. 😔
  17. I

    Specific Remove red background and make symbols as clear as possible

    Thank you very much! But there are still red pixels surrounding the image. That's the problem that I couldn't solve myself actually. Is there no way that those pixels can be removed?
  18. I

    Specific Remove red background and make symbols as clear as possible

    Hi everyone! I've been trying to remove the red background from these pictures and make the background transparant, but i can't seem to make it work. No matter how hard i try, there are always a few red-ish pixels left. Also, is there a possiblity to enhance the quality of the symbols? Thank...