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  1. G

    Surface homogenization

    Yep, thank you, I need to do this automatically now, I never use blank layers and I know I should do this more often !
  2. G

    Surface homogenization

    Thank you Inkpad.T, I want to be as clean as I can while conserving a "natural" aspect for lighting and wall material. I will try that too :)
  3. G

    Surface homogenization

    Fredfish > Thank you for the tip !
  4. G

    Surface homogenization

    Hawkeye > That's the kind of result I am looking for, thanks a lot ! Funny thing is that I was looking yesterday some portraiture retouching tutorials in order to extrapolate the results and adapt them on my building retouch. And I bookmarked one tutorial about Dodge & burn technic. I know...
  5. G

    Surface homogenization

    Ok thanks, I'll try the clone stamp tool and spot healing, I haven't try that on a new layer. I have tried the patch tool after a bit of cleaning but the result is still too hard...
  6. G

    Surface homogenization

    Hi everyone, I mostly take architectural photographs and I regularly stumble upon one problem when I have to deal with with wall surfaces that are not uniform due to aging, tags, moisture, cracks... On the picture below you can see what I am talking about on the red surface, old tags, new...
  7. G

    Hi from France

    Hi all ! I am an amateur photographer from France interested in improving his skills in Photoshop ! Looking forward to chat with all you guys, my english isn't flawless but I'll try to do my best to be understandable ! Cheers ! Gzser