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  1. Brian Soto

    Bad Retouching Techniques (Examples Included)

    I think you mean subjectively. Every piece of art is appraised subjectively. But there are objective truths about the fundamentals in all of them. E.g. We can dance around the issue of Rebecca Black's music being a matter of taste, and pretend no authority can be used to judge it. Beauty in the...
  2. Brian Soto

    Caffeine Fueled 8 Hour Composite for Photoshop Gurus

    Nope. I was lying to trick just you, Paul. It was important that you didn't have the truth. Yeah. It took me a fair bit. Again, most of that time went into painting highlights (like her hair, and the car), and making rim light look as natural as possible. I was trying for cast light of that neon...
  3. Brian Soto

    Bad Retouching Techniques (Examples Included)

    I guess I don't understand the point of that. This is objectively bad work, whether or not they like hearing that, or can rationalize it in words. At the end of whatever they had to say, it would still be bad work. I think being able to point at the wrong way of image editing is important, and...
  4. Brian Soto

    Caffeine Fueled 8 Hour Composite for Photoshop Gurus

    Thanks for the feedback. Yes, as mentioned before, when I don't control the images, I'm pretty well hostage to disparate sensors, and light sources. The look is deliberately grungy, so that green tint is as controlled byproduct of the theme. The upload of the image is low-res, yes. I typically...
  5. Brian Soto

    Caffeine Fueled 8 Hour Composite for Photoshop Gurus

    Thanks for the feedback. Yeah, one thing that isn't ideal when working with other people's images, is that you're really handcuffed to conflicting light sources. Trying to compensate for that has become something of a practice in itself. It's a progress I'm fortunate to get a lot of practice on...
  6. Brian Soto

    Bad Retouching Techniques (Examples Included)

    I haven't been in touch with them, no. It never occurred to me. Why would I do that? Similar work was used to demonstrate bad technique in a class I had on pre-flight and color correction. I didn't know having an opinion was so heavily regulated here. I must have missed that in the TOS. Could...
  7. Brian Soto

    Bad Retouching Techniques (Examples Included)

    This won't be news to a lot of you, but it may be eye opening for some. Sometimes to get a better idea of what direction to go in, it helps to know what not to do. I thought I'd take a minute to celebrate (lament) the garish eyesores that some "experts" recommend others produce when retouching...
  8. Brian Soto

    Chick BeforexAfter

    I don't know how relevant this is, but it seems like it's in the ballpark: https://www.photoshopgurus.com/forum/before-and-after-showroom/53907-caffeine-fueled-8-hour-composite-photoshop-gurus.html
  9. Brian Soto

    Caffeine Fueled 8 Hour Composite for Photoshop Gurus

    I stumbled into this thread the other day https://www.photoshopgurus.com/forum/graphic-design-showroom/53841-chick-beforexafter.html, and thought I might borrow the image (model's name is Kirby Griffin) and see what I could cook up. What started as a small quickie exercise soon turned into a...
  10. Brian Soto

    Jeremy Clarkson

    Funny stuff. I like your work on the head shape and hair. I guess I would say what we learned at the Academy about caricature portrait is to fixate on and exaggerate the unique features of the person's face, head, style, etc. In this case you enlarged a nose that isn't especially large to begin...
  11. Brian Soto

    Marilyn Monroe Black and White Colorizing - Before and After Pictures

    Nicely done/great results. I've seen tinting by professionals go a lot worse. This is postcard ready. Look forward to seeing more. Cheers.
  12. Brian Soto

    Get back the clone stamp circle

    If I understand you right, I think you might be referring to the Clone Stamp tool setting Sample Current and Below. This is how I would avoid having to keep clicking back and forth between layers to clone onto the topmost new one (alternately, you can choose Sample All Layers, and it doesn't...
  13. Brian Soto

    Gradient over image

    No worries. I'm confident I went obnoxiously overboard, but I like knowing how to recreate effects for myself and I thought I might as well do that out loud here. I'm guessing most of the forum knows this basic stuff.
  14. Brian Soto

    My custom sports game covers

    Nice work, mate. I appreciate the artistic license they accord designers. I know the sports game market in general has their own standard for extreme saturation, and black and white points as every NHL game I've ever owned utilized similar looks, and they all conflicted with every rule we'd ever...
  15. Brian Soto

    A christmas card with a moose (photomanipulation)

    I like the concept. The execution isn't all there, but the idea is hilarious. The only thing I would change is the head is too small, and the font choice isn't great. I think bevel and emboss is highly overused in general, and if not used sparingly, or properly, it cheapens the overall design...
  16. Brian Soto

    Export different selections of layers to PFDs

    I realize I'm resurrecting an ostensible corpse, and admittedly, doing so a little light on the answer side. But if you're still looking for answers on this, I should mention when I read your post, I immediately thought Acrobat's Action Wizard, which handles batch automation with specific...
  17. Brian Soto

    Heal, Clone or Content Aware Fill before or after Raw file exposure clean up?

    Always do white point and basic overall raw processing actions first before getting into PS work. Further, if you're working in Lightroom and PS, that implies a level of experience I'll assume you probably already know, but to reiterate common retoucher knowledge, I would add that when working...
  18. Brian Soto

    Gradient Tool 'Replacing, But' Not 'Adding'

    Thanks for this, guys. I got it. IAmSam was right, I just had to find it. I found out that in the Gradient Tool options dialog I wasn't selecting the top color selector over the gradient bar, which makes the Opacity option available, which you then turn down to 0% to get the effect of color to...
  19. Brian Soto

    Gradient over image

    Well done. I would just add that since it's Photoshop, and as per IAmSam's last post, there's more than one way to "skin a cat." Also, with a few added moves you can achieve the same vignette/border breaking effect as that original. As mentioned before get your businesswoman selection...
  20. Brian Soto

    Gradient Tool 'Replacing, But' Not 'Adding'

    Sam, thanks for moving this. As soon as I saw I was posting it in Photography I fired off a bunch of messages to admins and mods to report my newbie troubles. Re: Video. I can't unfortunately, as it's Michael Woloszynowicz's 'The Complete Guide to Fashion & Beauty Photography', available for...