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Search results

  1. D

    Specific One more needs dust spot attention

    Last one, I promise... You guys did a fantastic job on the last one so one more time please see if you can work your magic. This one is not nearly as bad as the last, three sports needs attention, one on the bottom left at the end of the black table, on the far left at the midpoint of the...
  2. D

    Specific Lense dust distortion edit

    There are a a bunch of problem ares in this image due to a dirty camera lens i nthe form of bright circles throughout the image. If anyone is willing, please do your best t remove these areas so the image looks distortion free. I assume the one directly over the graphic of the t-shirt will be...
  3. D

    Specific Replace blurred hand and two background faces

    This is an upscaled image that's been run through Topaz. Need the hand on the bottom left to be fixed, IE no blur. Perhaps just copy the other hand and mirror it? Needs to look natural but doesn't have to be perfect under a microscope so to speak. Also need the background faces to be...
  4. D

    Specific background fix

    Can someone fix the bottom left portion of the background of this image so it looks seamless with he rest of the image? Please post your edit in the original size of the image. Thanks
  5. D

    Specific Background more

    Would like to have the poster behind the woman removed and have it match the red background as it appears on the right side. Would also like the shadows to remain as they are so it appears as natural as possible. Please repost in the original format and size. Thanks!
  6. D

    Specific pretty basic background edit

    Would like to have the poster behind the woman removed and have it match the dark red background as it appears on the left side. Would also like the shadows to remain as they are so it appears as natural as possible. Please repost in the original format and size. Thanks!
  7. D

    Specific Photo of a photo needs major attention

    A friend asked me to see if I could clean up this mess of an image. It's a bit beyond my skillset. Needs the dust and scratches removed, color and detail (sharpness) enhanced a bit. Don't worry about cropping it and please repost your edit in the same size as the original. Hopefully good...
  8. D

    Specific sunlight on face fix

    Anyone able to even out the direct sunlight on the male's face in this image? There can still be a hint of it but would like to even out the blown out spots so it's not so extreme. Please post your edit in the original size. Thanks very much!
  9. D

    Specific Pixelation smoothing/fix

    There's some heavy pixelation/noise on the right side of this image in the pale green solid shape. I'd like it to be evened out so it's not pixelated and basically smooth for lack of a better word. I've tried a few things without success. Also if possible would like to de-noise the woman's...
  10. D

    Paid Face edit- double chin removed, beard evened out -$5

    For the younger guy on the right, need the double chin removed and his beard evened out across his face. Ideally this should be a subtle edit that looks completely natural. Please repost in original dimensions and please be willing to include a layered photoshop file.
  11. D

    Paid Take credits from one poster and add them to another

    Not sure if this is possible, but wouldl ike to take the credits from the bottom middle of the first poster and add them to the second poster. Wondering if it's possible to extend the bottom of the second poster a bit in order to make the credits fit, either reformatted or as they are in the...
  12. D

    Specific Face swap

    I've been trying to take the face from the first image and apply it to the body of the second image. They are different sizes and tones so it takes a little finagling. The 3rd image is my attempt, I'm relatively happy with it but I haven't been able to find a way to blend the neck/hair so it...
  13. D

    Specific background cleanup

    Would like to remove the out of focus bits of people from the frame and replace it with a natural looking continuation of the abstract background instead of say just a solid black or something similar. 1st image is the original, the second I've marked for reference as to what areas specifically...
  14. D

    Specific remove a person and perhaps an object

    Would like the male figure on the right completely removed along with the water pitcher in the foreground. The water pitcher is likely a little tricky as it would mean improvising the obscured part of her wardrobe and hair. Obviously needs to look completely natural. Please repost in same...
  15. D

    Specific Dust/light spot edit needed

    Posted a similar shot recently and a FANTASTIC edit was posted very quickly. Have one more that needs the same treatment. Again, the image qualityy is very poor but dont worry about that. Just need the spot fixed so it looks like the rest of the image. Please post your edit in the same...
  16. D

    Specific Dust spot removal

    I posted this earlier and a great job was done by Rich54 to fix it but the post was deleted before I could save the corrected image because I mistakenly violated forum policy with my post. I believe I'm in compliance with the rules now so if anyone could help correcting the large dust spot on...
  17. D

    Paid Glasses reduction & shadow removal $10

    Would like to have the glasses the woman is wearing to not go so far down on her face, ideally raising the bottom of the glasses by about 1/3 from where they rest now. Also need the shadow cast by the glasses across the greater eyelash area removed if possible. Goes without saying but needs to...
  18. D

    Background edit

    I need advice as to remove the logos in the background while maintaining the natural texture and lighting variances so it looks natural and not just a flat color. I'm not a novice but am self taught so I have some gaps in my knowledge. Please be as specific as possible. Thanks very much.
  19. D

    Specific Background cleanup

    Need the logos in the background to be removed. Also would like to move the figures closer together.
  20. D

    Paid please fix the glare at the top of this image

    Long story but time is short and I need the glare at he top of the image to be fixed so her hair looks natural. Also a small belish on the right eye thst needs to be corrected. Please don't run it through any AI if you can help it and repost it in original size but as an 8x10 instead of 8x12 if...