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  1. T

    Official Documentation of Adobe Blend Mode Math

    This was my best guess which Forum was best for this post. Please move to a better one if appropriate. NOTE: This documentation is not needed for the average user. If may be helpful if you need to know the inner workings of Photoshop Blend modes for more scientific. Sometimes, the detailed...
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    Hue Map Action

    @ Rich54 asked how I created a Hue Map, so it was worth posting in the Actions, Filters, etc. Forum In ancient times, I created some Actions that I used regularly. One was making a Hue Map (my definition, as I have not seen it anywhere online). It's where each pixel is converted to its maximum...
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    Scripting Photoshop Event IDs for Scripts Event Manager

    I have rarely used Photoshop's Scripts Event Manager, which can be found under Command File > Scripts > Script Events Manager. This command/tool monitors events in Photoshop (e.g. Open a file, Save File, and about any step Photoshop can do), and, upon incurring this "Event," triggers the running...
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    References on Dating Old Images.

    Besides Photoshop one of my other activities is genealogy (family historian). Prior family historians have passed on to me many pictures in various formats. I know I have some that go back to ~1850s. These include daguerreotypes (maybe ambrotypes), tintypes, cabinet cards, etc. I know who...
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    Thoughts on Generative Fill for removing girl in the Free Requests Forum

    Hi @kabak I moved my response to the General Photoshop instead of posting in the Free Request Forum as the admin had previously requested discussions on such Free Images be done in the General Photoshop Forum (as they can get long) With generative fill, one can exclude items by not including...
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    Re: Invert or make lines black thread

    Hi @Maris Thought I would throw in the approach I would use from scratch. I am using the step by step on a smaller portion of the image. I think it helps to show the root cause of the original image to understand the steps I recommend. This first image takes the PNG and puts an orange Layer...
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    Chat Bots and Photoshop

    I had an experience with the Open AI GPT4 chat bot recently that overlapped with Photoshop so thought I would toss it out for sharing. My son works in the software industry and knew that I occasionally write my own utility programs (I an not real productive). He demonstrated the Open AI GPT4...
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    How PS Gradients Change With "Smoothness" and "Method" Options

    Having done some work on Gradients recently, I wanted to understand how the Smoothness and Method Options change the Gradient's characteristics. Smoothness can go from 0% to 100%. The Method option has three settings: Classic, Perceptual, and Linear. Using Smoothness limits of 0 and 100 gives...
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    Unexpected Characteristics of Black to White Gradients

    Minor Yet Odd Gradient Anomalies This post may be FYI, but I would not mind the enlightenment if someone has better knowledge about what I share below. I required a simple linear (yet pretty exact) B to W Gradient in Photoshop. I just used the Black to White default gradient in Photoshop, yet...
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    ~1892 Genealogy Picture Restoration

    I have been my extended family's genealogist for about 20 years. Besides documenting ancestors (back through all male and female lines) I mostly have been collecting stories and when available images to scan (and eventually restore). The work I am sharing is from a cabinet card made in ~1892...
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    How would you approach improving this image (I share my approach)

    A post of the Free Photoshop Request Forum by @JayE had several submissions by myself @JeffK, @Babine, and @chrisdesign This is a request to see how others approached or would approach improving this image. I will share my approach to spur on responses. I am assuming this is the correct forum...
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    Wading Deeper Into Photoshop Luminosity

    If you want a deeper (waist deep only) understanding of Photoshop RGB Luminosity the info below "may" be helpful. The following image was created with two simple Layers set to Lighter Blend Mode which is one of the Luminosity based Layer Blend Modes xxxxxxxxxxxThe bottom Layer is an exact...
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    Image created from class assignment

    The class assignment was to use textures and blending modes. The first two images are the starting images: This was a picture I took of a tomato out of our garden that had been sliced. I took the picture because it seemed to create an expression with eyes and mouth :) The second starting...
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    Trying my creative hand - feedback welcome

    For those that know me, know I am left brained, so stronger on the technical side and more challenged on the creative side. I have used PS for some time yet there are still lots of tools and techniques I have never used. So believe it or not I am taking an introduction to PS class through PSA...
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    Color Management Issues Reported in Windows 11

    I just wanted to give a heads up to those on Windows systems and considering upgrading (I am on a Mac). There are quite a few reports of color management not working on Windows 11. I am including one link that should give what many are experiencing. Others have reported issues on many...
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    PNG vs WebP vs Jpeg and Exposing Compression Artifacts

    I did not know very much about WebP images other than when I came across one, it was a pain to get it converted for use in Photoshop. Thanks to @polarwoc recent post (https://www.photoshopgurus.com/forum/threads/webp-plugin.74291/) I was made ware of a Photoshop Plugin to easily both read and...
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    Requesting good sources for color skin images / portraits

    Hi all I am starting a side project to better understand skin coloring and how more methodically apply the information learned into photorestoration retouching/restoration work. I know there are many different skin types / coloring that also depends on a number of factors (large natural...
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    Color Raster Image Conversion To Line Art Vector Format for Vinyl Cutting

    @Cox posted a free request on this topic and requested a tutorial as well. I documented the steps I took to create the raster to vector conversion. The first step was get have a starting image that is 1500 pixel long edge minimum. Cox's image was quite small so I used a 4x enlargement...
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    There are several color mode used within Photoshop such as RGB, CMYK, Grayscale, LAB, etc. There is another 3 channel model not explicitly used in file saving yet is available in various places in Photoshop being Luminosity, Hue, and Saturation as used in the Layer Blend modes (not to be...
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    METHOD TO OBSCURE REPETITIVE TILE PATTERN On a post in another forum, there was a request on how to repeat a stone pattern. Getting a tile pattern to look a bit less repetitive has never been very easy for me in PS so came up with this approach on the fly (not well baked yet if helps some)...