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  1. MentosCubing

    Specific Tune Squad Edit #45

    Here's my go at it. Files were too big to upload directly, so I've attached them as a Google Drive folder link. https://drive.google.com/open?id=1EqASIyG741sidjT_sTxntemNZKQoZ-Z1
  2. MentosCubing

    Paid sign help

    I know this request is quite old, but in case you are still interested, here's another option.
  3. MentosCubing

    Specific Change caption

    Also removed Snapchat icons/text and cropped away the black.
  4. MentosCubing

    Specific Is it possible to remove some objects from this photo?

    Some of these look harder than others (the sofa would be incredibly difficult). This looks like a 3D render to me, and not a real photo (lighting looks weirdly ambient, there is no noise, and the floor texture is repeated). Can you tell us where you got it in case there are more pictures and/or...
  5. MentosCubing

    Paid Facebook Cover Design

    Sending a PM!
  6. MentosCubing

    Paid Body marking - $10, easy?

    Payment recieved and job delivered!
  7. MentosCubing

    Specific Replace tower with a Wall of Butts

    Do you have a PSD of the wall graphic? Using the flat PNG looks okay for a little while, but eventually gets very distorted to the point where I can't even tell what it is anymore. That said, if you'd like me to continue like this, I can. This is a really quick mockup but I did save the file...
  8. MentosCubing

    Specific Can you make my left arm be the same colour as the right one?

    Super quick, but does this work for you?
  9. MentosCubing

    Specific Visa Card Design

    Noted. I chose the "preserve editability" setting, but it looks like even that is not very editable. I need to test GIMP's PSD export and see if it works any better. Thanks for letting me know!
  10. MentosCubing

    Specific Visa Card Design

    I am not sure if I understood your request correctly. This is what I have. If this is not what you wanted, you may edit the attached PSD file (Google Drive link). Required fonts are Lato, Candara Bold, Verdana Bold, and Kredit Front. (Please note that PSD is not my software's native format, and...
  11. MentosCubing

    Specific Please remove their names.

    Sure thing. Grove Street 4 Life.
  12. MentosCubing

    Specific Can someone please edit the beagle?

    Also cropped the black bars and removed the icons in the corners.
  13. MentosCubing


    Legally speaking, Adobe is doing nothing more than expecting end users to uphold their end of the contractual obligation they agreed to, and I think it's a bit much to expect them to go out of their way to accommodate the benefit of those people even though the pandemic is affecting them too...
  14. MentosCubing

    Specific Draw those white things

    Here is a scalable vector I traced from the image you provided. The resolution is quite low, so it is difficult to tell exactly what they would look like, but this is my best guess. (The forum does not support SVG graphics, so it is a link to a Google Drive upload.)...
  15. MentosCubing

    What mouse do you prefer?

    A very nice-looking mouse that I would love to try. However, I've recently switched to a Logitech G502 and it has far more buttons (which I have mapped to keyboard shortcuts and it's really nice), so I don't know if I could use it as a main mouse.
  16. MentosCubing

    Post Processing How to get this gritty, coloured look for diving photos?

    It looks to me like a lot of sharpening has been applied. Try the sliders in the Camera RAW filter.
  17. MentosCubing

    Having some fun in a video chat during self-quarantine.

    TL;DR: -- I'm out of school for at least the next three weeks due to the global pandemic, but one of our teachers (easily everyone's favourite) set up a video call that we could all choose to join and hang out for a while. We chatted nicely for a while and played an online board game. What I'm...
  18. MentosCubing

    Paid Facebook Page plus others

    Was that a typo?
  19. MentosCubing

    Specific hi i want service #1

    Damn, that's pretty good. I actually did do some darkening on the side, but I was afraid to go overboard, so I did a very small amount. Apparently much more was needed. (The photo was actually lit even more evenly before; I'm surprised at how well you could get it to work.)