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Search results

  1. U

    Fantasy football helmet

    Your welcome. Simply right click on the image and "save as"
  2. U

    Fantasy football helmet

    Something like this ?
  3. U

    logo help. Your time and help is appreciated!!

    Sure, here you go. Image is between the dots. You can't see it as it is white. ........... ..........
  4. U

    Trap Time

    No words needed. The logo says it all :bustagut:
  5. U

    Need this done for me

    I had a go at this but the picture quality is too poor. To remove the hand and place over your face, the arm needs extending and the picture is very pix elated to achieve a good enough result.
  6. U

    Removing object from photo

    I had a go. What do you think
  7. U

    Trap Time

    i knocked this idea up pretty quick.
  8. U

    mixing two pictures

    I simply copied the arms as an overlaying layer and chopped it in half at the elbow to make the angle correct. Using the brush tool, i blended the two together.
  9. U

    Removing object from photo

    i have removed the cigarette .
  10. U

    mixing two pictures

    here you go
  11. U

    logo help. Your time and help is appreciated!!

    I have re-made the image and removed the wording. Is this what you are after ? Can be provided with a transparent background if required.
  12. U

    mixing two pictures

    This is a tough one for me. Im not the best at blending but i had a go but far from perfect.
  13. U

    *Need people removed from photo*

    How is this for you.
  14. U

    Photo light/exposure correction

    Perfect. That's boss Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. U

    Photo light/exposure correction

    Cheers Eggy. That pretty much what i came up with but i was looking to enhance on the grass and sky giving it more colour !
  16. U

    Photo light/exposure correction

    Gents. Can you do an edit on this for me please. I am great with other aspects of photoshop but not photo correction lol. Looking for a Blue sky, green grass and to remove the over exposure and color correction. Cheers Ben
  17. U

    A Little Help With A Panorama?

    Here is my attempt of a quick spruce up on the 2nd image Quick screenshot
  18. U

    need help removing background from bird cage

    This is the finished image using nothing other than the magic wand tool.... EDIT: Whoops, looks like i left the grey in the top hook. Never mind, you get the idea !
  19. U

    need help removing background from bird cage

    Hiya Sam. Yes of course. Just about to leave work so will do it when I get back home later for you. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  20. U

    need help removing background from bird cage

    The magic wand will aslo remove those sections for a quick easy fix.