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  1. K

    Specific please remove people from picture!

    yes except i feel like the way you edited it, we look really small! i think its because if you look at original picture the stairs aren't so large. I think this is probably a really challenging edit! I understand if you don't want to try again... but thanks for what you did! I appreciate it!
  2. K

    Specific please remove people from picture!

    can anyone attempt this? please!!
  3. K

    Specific please edit the veil on wedding picture!

    is it too much of a challenge to edit veil on picture 0636/0635 because it is smaller?
  4. K

    Specific please edit the veil on wedding picture!

  5. K

    Specific please remove people from picture!

    here is a picture of the alter. i hope this works! THANK YOU
  6. K

    Specific Please open eyes in picture!

    thank you so much!!!
  7. K

    Specific please remove people from picture!

    ill have to look for one and post it!
  8. K

    Specific please edit the veil on wedding picture!

    would this help to make it look better?
  9. K

    Specific please remove people from picture!

    I would so love if someone could remove everyone from the photo except for the bride and groom (grey tux). I'm not sure which picture would be easiest to work with. Please and thank you!!! i attached a picture of just the bride so you can see what the background looks like..
  10. K

    Specific Please open eyes in picture!

    The second picture (0489), my mom's eyes are closed and wondering if someone could edit it so her eyes are open. The first picture (0488) shows what her eyes look like so hopefully that helps! please and thank you so much!
  11. K

    Specific please edit the veil on wedding picture!

    https://www.google.com/search?rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS754US754&biw=1600&bih=769&tbm=isch&sa=1&q=long+veil+&oq=long+veil+&gs_l=psy-ab.3..0l10.69729.69729.0.70038. like this, instead of in my pictures where...
  12. K

    Specific please edit the veil on wedding picture!

    the veil spread out like this, but from behind. its hard to describe. hopefully this picture helps a bit more
  13. K

    Specific please edit the veil on wedding picture!

    Wondering if someone can edit the veil in all 4 pictures, so that is is spread out evenly instead of folded? i'm not sure how hard this is to do. thought id see if it can be fixed! also, in the first picture (0625) if the rose petals on the floor can be removed that would be great!