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Search results

  1. L

    Specific Background person removal

    Omg amazing! Thank you ☺️
  2. L

    Specific Background person removal

    Hi! Would anyone please be able to remove the person directly behind me so I stand out a bit better, as the quality over my face isn’t great! Any other people removed would be a bonus but don’t want it to look odd! Thank you so much 😊
  3. L

    Specific Lighting Edit!

    Amazing! Thank you 🥰
  4. L

    Specific Lighting Edit!

    Could someone please edit this image to try and fix the lighting in the middle of the photo? It would be greatly appreciated 😊
  5. L

    Specific Open eyes

    Hi all :) could anyone please work their magic and open my eyes for me in the first picture? Thank you! 😊
  6. L

    Specific Add smile

    This is perfect thank you so much!
  7. L

    Specific Add smile

    Hi guys 😊 can anyone please work their magic and put the smile from the man from the second photo onto the first photo? Tia! Xx
  8. L

    Specific Person removal

    I don’t suppose you could have a go at making my teeth look slightly whiter? Not like unnatural white but when you zoom in it looks like I have stuff in my teeth and I’m not sure why 🤣🤣 thank you :)
  9. L

    Specific Person removal

    Oh that’s amazing thank you so much!! Xx
  10. L

    Specific Person removal

    Hi! Could someone please remove the people in the background?? Thank you 😊
  11. L

    Specific Person removal 2 😁

    Love this! Thank you 🥰
  12. L

    Specific Person removal 2 😁

    Hi all! Once again I am looking to remove some people from some photos! Im not sure if I can put them both here so will do two separate posts 😊 remove people directly next to or behind me would be greatly appreciated! Not all people just ones closer! Thank you! Xx
  13. L

    Specific Person removal 1 😊

    Hi all! Once again I am looking to remove some people from some photos! Im not sure if I can put them both here so will do two separate posts 😊 remove people directly next to or behind me would be greatly appreciated! Not all people just ones closer! Thank you! Xx
  14. L

    Specific Remove makeup bag

    Wow! Above and beyond thank you!! Xxx
  15. L

    Specific Remove makeup bag

    Hi all! could anyone please help remove the makeup bag/towel/plunger (lol) all the left hand side of me and the mirror? Thank you so much!!
  16. L

    Specific Object removal

    Haha amazing thank you! Xx
  17. L

    Specific Object removal

    Hi all! i wonder if anyone could work their magic and remove any of the chairs/umbrellas directly behind me? Not expecting them all but Whatever is possible! Thank you!!
  18. L

    Specific Brighten face/photo

    Amazing thank you so much 😁😁
  19. L

    Specific Brighten face/photo

    Thank you! I usually do a bit of cosmetic editing so helps me out even more 🤣🤣 x
  20. L

    Specific Brighten face/photo

    Hi all! Could anyone work their magic and brighten my face up a bit please :) thank you!!