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  1. ex_teacher

    Specific Looking to make a grphic with child's initials

    Here's my shot at one half the project. Given the 3 caps in a similar font style, I find it difficult to read. So I fooled around with something else and ended up with 2 that are very legible and one, not so much. Still, I find it interesting, I think.
  2. ex_teacher

    Specific Retouch

    Another version and a warm tone version of that.
  3. ex_teacher

    Specific Please remove arm and dirt

    Thanks Argos. One more attempt.
  4. ex_teacher

    Specific Please remove arm and dirt

    One more time:) Beautiful baby.
  5. ex_teacher

    Specific Combine images.

    This is a hard one with an enormous amount of guesswork This seems right to me for a 5' gal and 6' or so guy but everything else like opening his eyes, compensating for his foreshortened image and his body build is up in the air. Bottom line: I hope it looks somewhat like him.
  6. ex_teacher

    Specific Half shadow face

    Thanks I got Bennie Thompson's image from the Jan 6 Report PDF I downloaded from the NY so it's probably a stock photo and the same as many or all new outlets are using. This is a less formal image and I kept the Graphic T-shirt because it plays so well with the glasses. I saturated the...
  7. ex_teacher

    Specific Half shadow face

    Late to the party as ususal:( There were so many variations on this I was going to pass. But... Today I started reading the January 6 report and only got to Bennie Thompson's introduction when I saw his portrait. I thought about this project and got some ideas. I more or less kept the...
  8. ex_teacher

    Specific Adding item to picture

    I had to take a 'few' artistic liberties to put a fork in that hand and make it reasonably realistic.
  9. ex_teacher

    Specific Edit a label

    Here's my take w/ and w/o cartoon
  10. ex_teacher

    Specific Remove seatbelt please

    and another shot at it.
  11. ex_teacher

    How do I remove green tint?

    One of the great things about Photoshop is the huge variety of methods that can be employed depending on desired output, skill sets of the user and how much effort is expended. The absolute easiest way for me to approach this (with all its limitations) is to duplicate the original image and...
  12. ex_teacher

    Specific Making my picture look better.

    ... another take. Sharpened and enlarged to 4"x5" @300ppi
  13. ex_teacher

    Specific Remove an object please

    Another try. Changed the hand and simplified some distracting elements
  14. ex_teacher

    Specific Wedding photo help

    I enlarged and processed the image and was pleasantly surprised with the recoverable detail. Here's my shot at a new bride and groom photo.
  15. ex_teacher

    Specific Wedding photo help

    I notice this says ...'103 smaller.jpg'. There is not a lot of resolution in this image. Any chance you have the '103 larger.jpg' and can post it ?
  16. ex_teacher

    Specific Remove person

    Defiantly a mistake...only took out half of the glasses bow. Worse yet , I left a tuft of her hair. I suppose that's a chair of a different color lurking there. I also wanted to change some things I didn't like. The post on the right of the image needed some color changes, The carpet looks...
  17. ex_teacher

    Specific Remove person

    How about this?
  18. ex_teacher

    Specific Blend kids to look more realistic

    Beautiful family. Another take.