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Recent content by nachofrades

  1. nachofrades

    Zoom inverted

    Thanks MrToM! I was crazy! :)
  2. nachofrades

    Zoom inverted

    Hi folks! Since I have installed a scanner driver in CS6 the zoom tool works wrong, normally it zoom out, and with ALT it zooms in. I am fooled while working... Thanks.
  3. nachofrades

    File Info in Save for Web doesn't appears

    Hi Paul MR, this is exactly what I do in the "Save for web" interface. But it don't save anything when I check it in File>File info... I think it's a problem about any kind of lack of "default" .xmp file... Photoshop CS6 I7 32Gb GF780 Thanks!
  4. nachofrades

    File Info in Save for Web doesn't appears

    Hi Photoshop people: I have a problem in "Save for Web" working: It does not save the "File info" of the file, so all images I save are without information about me... For me it's important, does anybody knows how to fix it? What I'm doing wrong? Thanks in advance. Nacho.
  5. nachofrades

    Collapse Layers with mask

    Thanks IamSam !
  6. nachofrades

    Collapse Layers with mask

    Thanks MrTom, I was wondering if there was other "less manually" workaround, but it doesn't matter, it was only for time consuming issues... As I said, in the commercial job, I use about one hundred layers in a complex paintings and it's hard to merge each layers with it's mask... Thanks again...
  7. nachofrades

    Collapse Layers with mask

    Hi Folks! I have a very big layer stack (about 100) and I want to know if it's possible to merge two layers mantaining the maks (in both the same mask), I have tried but not working methods... Thanks!
  8. nachofrades

    Which software was used for this

    In the computer now... Select Paint Tool, and then Brush and color (It works better with a round brush). Now Select Path Tool New Layer and draw your shape with the tool ( you can use a scanned pencil if you want but not neccesary). Go to "Paths" Window. Right click when done and...
  9. nachofrades

    Which software was used for this

    I have been thinking about this and it's more simple than I explained. There is no need, of wacom tablet, paper and pencil, nor selecting blacks. I assume you know to do each pass, I'm on the phone. - Draw your stuff with "paths" tool. - Use "Stroke path" with the desired brush. It's quite...
  10. nachofrades

    Two usefull links

    A color picker with multiple functions always on top, essential for me. http://anastasiy.com/colorwheel The perfect texture store for free and professional use. http://cgtextures.com/ It's only for informative purposes, it's not my bussiness :cool2:
  11. nachofrades

    I need help trying to do this type of Brush effect ?

    It seems to be a mix of a determined brush and a texture applied to the strokes... some kind of wood. Paint in plain color and apply a wood texture like this as the mask. The texture must be black and white. Textures: http://cgtextures.com/
  12. nachofrades

    Puppet Wrap

    It's ok, it was... I have choose by edit menu and it works... a lot of thanks, it's very usefull for me.
  13. nachofrades

    What technique was used?

    Sorry again :mrgreen: I am a miserable guy XD
  14. nachofrades

    What technique was used?

    Sorry for my terrible technique, in 1990 I abandoned photo retouching for painting, I am an obsolete guy! XD.
  15. nachofrades

    Im needed your help to choose the right Graphic Tablet

    For photo edition a bamboo works great, in my case I have choose the I5 Wacom tablet for digital paintng work. And don't choose out of wacom products, my experience is that wacom never fails, I have some wacom tablets obsolete for new models that works perfectly.