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Isaiah Mays

I believe in one calm, settled thought... rather than thousands of hasty ones.One calm, settled action... rather than thousands of hasty corrections...I love life.I love spending time with friends and family.I love making things happen.I'm a nerd. I read wikipedia. I just read it.I'm a photographer for a living.I also fix computers.I love to write music.I like to think.I like to write humor.I like to solve problems. I like to cook.I love to dance.I love helping out in emergencies. If there's no emergency (which is most of the time) and if I'm not busy preventing one...I like to relax. I'm sort of a Ninja/Couch Potato.Most things that are good by yourself are better with someone else.Though that doesn't mean they're not "very" good alone.I like to ruminate on social problems, separate the lies and the misunderstandings from the truth, and emerge with something helpful... Usually, if you fix one problem, two things happen.You find another problem and you fix 5 more all at once.I get accused of seeing the world with rose colored glasses, or painting things as better than they are... The truth is things are pretty grim. But they aren't nearly as grim as people think. :)

Rudyard Kipling, The Jungle Books Beasts of the Southern Wild, Ong Bak, The Iron Giant, Hot Fuzz, Gl
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